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What Is YuMOVE for Dog Joint Pain?

Paid Advertisement Dogs experience joint pain, stiffness, and aches just like people do, and owners search for solutions to help alleviate their dogs’ pain. This discomfort can limit their mobility, prevent them from enjoying their favorite activities, and ultimately impact their quality of life. Even simple actions like jumping on the couch or walking up the stairs can become difficult for dogs with joint disease, which is often upsetting for pet owners. While any dog can experience joint pain

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4 Tips to Help Keep Your Dog Safe From Fleas And Ticks

Flea and tick season is here, and in some areas, it’s now a year-round concern. These pests can cause serious problems for your dog no matter what time of year. Fleas can cause severe itching and skin damage, and for every flea on your pet, there could be hundreds of eggs and larvae around your home. Ticks can hide almost anywhere, are difficult to eradicate, and can lead to Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever – both debilitating conditions. Here are four tips to help keep your dog fle

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Do Dogs Sweat?

As a dog owner, you may be used to seeing your canine companion pant in warm weather, but do dogs sweat? Contrary to popular belief, dogs do sweat, but sweating is only a small part of the process they use to cool themselves down. How Do Dogs Sweat? There’s a reason why you’ve never seen your dog sweat in the same way you do, and that’s because dogs only produce sweat in certain parts of their bodies. Dogs have two types of sweat glands: Merocrine glands Apocrine glands Merocrine swea

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Cortisol in shelter dog hair shows signs of stress

Despite the good care, a shelter can be a stressful environment for dogs. Researchers investigated if the amount of the hormone cortisol in hair indicates the levels of stress that dogs experience before, during and after their stay in the shelter. View the source article

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New Puppy Checklist: Gear You’ll Need for Your New Dog

Before you welcome a new puppy into your home, you’ll need to make sure your space is ready for them. Puppies require a lot of attention and care, so making a checklist of what you’ll need is suggested, and picking up these basics for your new puppy is a great place to start. Best Puppy Starter Kit Goody Box Puppy Toys, Treats & Potty Training Chewy This starter set of puppy an

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Can Dogs Cry? Do Dogs Cry Tears?

You know that your dog feels emotions; he’s a sensitive animal, prone to joy, fear, sadness, and a range of other emotions. And of course, like most mammals, dogs have tear ducts. So, is there a connection between a dog’s brain and his tear ducts? No. While canines express needs and wants vocally, there is no scientific evidence proving that dogs, or any other animals, in fact, actually produce tears as a response to what they’re feeling. We seem to be the only species capable of breaking into e

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Melatonin for Dogs: Uses, Benefits and Dosage

Melatonin, a naturally occurring neurohormone, has long been thought to work as a sleeping aid in humans. Now there’s some evidence it may be useful for several canine conditions. Its sedative properties have been helpful in treating separation anxiety in dogs, as well as stress from noise like fireworks, thunderstorms or other noise phobias. According to Linda Aronson, DVM, who published a study in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, she has seen successful results in ab

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Diabetes in Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment

Diabetes is a chronic disease that can affect dogs and cats and other animals (including apes, pigs, and horses) as well as humans. Although diabetes can’t be cured, it can be managed very successfully. Diabetes mellitus, or “sugar diabetes,” is the type of diabetes seen most often in dogs. It is a metabolism disorder. Metabolism refers to how the body converts food to energy. To understand what diabetes is, it helps to understand some of this process. The Glucose–Insulin Connection

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Why Is My Dog Shaking? Causes & Solutions

When it comes to communication, dogs are significantly better at interpreting our body language than we are theirs. Humans rely on verbal language more heavily than body language, whereas dogs are just the opposite. Unfortunately, this often means we are left scratching our heads, wondering what our dogs are trying to tell us. Shaking is one of these potentially confusing behaviors. They’re Wet You may have wondered why dogs feel the need to shake when they are wet. That shaking, howeve

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What Is the Best Flea and Tick Prevention for Dogs?

Summer is a time when the lure of the great outdoors calls to us and our family pets. Unfortunately, it also rings in the full-blown season of fleas and ticks. Whatever we do to keep our dogs healthy and protect them, it is impossible to keep them from meeting up with ticks and fleas when they go outside. And unfortunately, these parasites can have a serious effect on your dog’s health. There are big benefits to being consistent when protecting our dogs against these pesky parasites. Pleth

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Flea Pills for Dogs

The flea circus your grandfather told you about was cute. Fleas on your dog are not. If your home feels like it is turning into your very own flea circus, you definitely need to take some action. You’ve probably heard someone in your life mention flea pills for dogs. These pills can be a very effective method for getting rid of fleas on dogs, and there are more options available today than ever before. Here is what you need to know about flea pills to help you choose the best option for your

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How to Help Your Puppy Through Teething

When you’re playing with your puppy and she starts chewing on your hand, chances are she is teething.  Puppies that are teething have a developmental issue, not a behavioral issue.  It’s the same as when human babies teethe.  Tiny needlelike teeth begin to appear when puppies are two to four weeks old.  Then, when they’re about three months old, puppies start getting their permanent teeth. This process continues until the puppy is about eight months old. AKC’s Canine Good Citizen® Director Mary

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7 Pet-Safe Plants That Won’t Hurt Your Dog

When it comes to plants and pets, both can bring a lot of love and light into your life. Unfortunately, the two don’t always mix so well. In fact, some plants can be downright deadly for pets. The good news is that many plants are safe for dogs, and if you choose your plants wisely, the two can coexist beautifully, says Justin Hancock, garden expert at Costa Farms in Miami. Here are expert picks on the best plants for pet owners. RNEDDEER/Getty

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Poisonous Plants for Dogs: A Full List

It’s important to protect your canine best friend from plants that are poisonous to dogs. Whether you’re an avid gardener or have a few potted plants on your front stoop, you should be aware that some plants might not be your dog’s friend. In fact, many shrubs, trees, and flowers commonly found in the garden and in the wild are dangerous if your dog eats them. Some can cause discomfort, some will make your dog miserable, and some can even be fatal if ingested. Shrubs That Are Poisonous to Dog

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Tips on Heartworm Prevention & Medication for Dogs

With the change in seasons comes warmer weather and longer days. Unfortunately, pesky bugs also come out. Critters are not only irritating for your dog but they can be very harmful too. In fact, the deadly parasite heartworm is transmitted only by mosquitos. Here are a few tips to keep your dog safe: 1. Preventative Medicine The American Heartworm Society and many veterinarians recommend year-round preventative medication due to heartworm being found in all 50 states. While the prevalen

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Dried avocado meal, a novel fiber source to be added to commercial dog food

Thanks to avocados' rise to superfood stardom, there are now more avocado-derived products in the supply chain than ever. In a unique study, researchers looked at the possibility of using avocado meal -- the ground, dried, and defatted pulp, seed, and skin left over after avocado oil processing -- as a fiber source in dry dog food. View the source article

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