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When your dog is attacked: What I have learned Part III

In our community (and I believe in most communities) a pattern of aggression has to be established before the authorities can take action against dangerous/vicious dogs. In our city, two tickets must be issued/incidents recorded before a dangerous dog hearing can be scheduled. This is why ticketing the offenders is so important. If the incident isn't on record, it may as well not have happened. I understand the thought process behind this rule although I don't think it applies to all situatio



When your dog is attacked: What I have learned Part II

Despite the fact it will be the last thing you want to do, documentation of the attack is of utmost importance. If I had remembered my phone on the day of the attack I could have taken an immediate photo of the dog owners and their dogs standing in their front yard afterwards. As it turned out I didn't need it - the owner of the dogs was caught in so many lies/inconsistencies during the hearing that it was no contest - but under other circumstances it would have been a key piece of evidence.



When your dog is attacked: What I have learned Part I

Buffy was attacked on a beautiful, crisp September morning when the possibility of a dog attack was the furthest thing from my mind. I had no mode of defense with me, I had no plan. I was walking in very familiar territory only a block from my home where I have lived for over 20 years. The attack was unprovoked, sudden and brutal. Luckily I did a few things right, although I also have some regrets (and feel a certain amount of guilt) about how I handled the attack. The guilt, of course, is that




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