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  • Cheesy Dog Treat

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    • Ingredients

      2/3 cup cottage cheese

      6 tsp milk

      6 tsp vegetable oil (or oil of your choice)

      1 egg

      4 cups oatmeal

      *optional - 1 tsp cinnamon


      Preheat oven to 350.

      Put all wet ingredients together and mix (add cinnamon if using now). Add oatmeal and mix.

      I used a small spoon and just did the drop on parchment and press to flatten slightly.

      Bake for 25-30 minutes, until you see a golden brown or browning on edges. If you want a "crunchy, crunchy" wait until you see both edges and treat golden brown. I have a tendency to see a golden brown and pull from oven ( I usually have to freeze and micro a bit before serving our "pampered pooches" ;) .

      The dough is a bit sticky.

      I only got 51 servings. Must let cool until you serve or put away for later.


      Notes, Options, Substitutions

      This is not their favorite...but a bit of change. Also, if you want to add another cheese or meat flavor...add to your delight and theirs!!!

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