Dog Shows He’s Not Ashamed of Wearing Braces
As February’s National Pet Dental Health Month was drawing to a close, a veterinary clinic in Spring Lake, Michigan, reached out to its Facebook followers to discuss pet dentistry and, believe it or not, pet orthodontia.
Since the post was shared on February 26, it has been more than 200,000 times and attracted almost 100,000 comments, but Wesley's veterinarian, practice owner Dr. James Moore, explains that this type of procedure is never done for aesthetics. "It is critical to note we (and all ethical veterinarians) only perform orthodontia for purposes of relief of pain or relief of dysfunction," Moore told WOOFipedia.
The post featured Wesley, the dog pictured above) who needed braces because his unaligned bite was preventing his mouth from closing fully.
While most people wear braces for several years, Wesley is expected to wear his only for a few weeks, the hospital explained. The post also stated that although the veterinary specialist also performs root canals and oral surgery on dogs.
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