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Life at Robinsend

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Random Pleasures



Not at all dog-related, I'm merely stealing an idea from the Pop Culture Happy Hour podcast segment "What's making you happy this week."

This week I ran across this little music video and it definitely moved me from curmudgeonly grouch mode into a much happier "hope for humanity" mode.

If you don't already know them, that was Maisie and Lennon Stella, ages 12 and 15 (I think). I love seeing two sisters who appear to be enjoying each other's company, their evident joy at making music, and even the rhythmic stomping seems inherently satisfying. Apparently theirs is a musical family; I imagine their parents are as proud as can be. The sisters are also seen on a television show Nashville where they are allowed to sing a bit every now and again.

I don't have a musical bone in my body, but I do enjoy listening to music of all kinds and have quite a bit of respect and a wee bit of envy for those who are able to express themselves musically. What a gift they bring to life. How glad I am they share it!

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Thanks! They are lovely.

And definitely an upper for someone in a Mendocino Inn grumpy about the horrible expensive meal she got in a high-faluti' restaurant last night!

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What's wonderful, for me anyway, not being able to make my living playing music after a good decade of effort, is that these two will probably always get to do what they want for a living and never worry about money.  Good steer, Brad.  That cheers me up.

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