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Columbia River B Match


Event details

Join the Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club for a sanctioned B/OB match on Friday evening during the Brush Prairie Cluster.


Washington County Fairgrounds

873 NE 34th St

Hillsboro, Oregon

"Cairn town" is on the East side of 34th, across from the fairgrounds and behind the Red Lion motel. Map


Judge: Mo Simpson

Obedience entries: 2:00 - 2:45

Obedience classes start: 3:00

Classes: Novice A, Novice B, Open A, Open B, Utility

Limitations: CDX titled dogs may compete in Utility; they may participate in Open B but not for awards. UD titled dogs may enter in Open B or Utility but not for awards.

Chair: Missi Hanson, 503-631-4413


Judge: Mary Strom

Conformation entries: 5:00 - 5:45

Conformation classes start: Junior Showmanship 6:00, followed by regular classes

Classes: Juniors (8-10), Intermediate (10-14), Seniors (14-17); regular classes 6-9 months, 9-12 months, 12-18 months, Bred by Exhibitor, Open

Limitations: no champions of record (except in Junior Showmanship); professional handlers may show only dogs they own

Chair: Barbara McNamee, 503-653-2877 (day of show cell 503-705-0778)


4:30 - 6:00 join us for casual and delicious hospitality. We will be having a Raffle featuring an Ann Priddy original

More Information

Match Chair: Barbara McNamee, 503-653-2877 (day of show cell 503-705-0778)

Match Secretray: Janice Beck, 503-981-3970

Obedience Chair: Missi Hanson, 503-631-4413

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