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endurance question


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Hello everyone,

I am a relatively new owner to an awesome female Carin named Bella. She's about 2. I have a question. I take her on 3-4 mile steep trail runs obout 3 times a week. She seems to love it. I was wondering if it is too much for her.

Thanks for your time,


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I think you will have the most fit Cairn! I would think its fine. I walk with my Kramer a few miles a day. Cairns love to exercise if given the opportunity. We walk so I'm not to familiar with steep trail runs. Just be careful on the knee's. Cairns along with other smaller breeds have a tendency for the Luxated patella, which the kneecap regularly dislocates or moves out of position, especially toward the inside. Watch high jumping off couches etc... Happy trails to you and Bella

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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sheila and Misty

If your dog worked up to that far -probably is ok-if he cant do it you'll know-you will be hiking back carrying a dog. when theyre done theyre done -my first one use to stop and lie down waiting for me to pick him up and carry him home and that was only 1/2 mile walk....he was old tho and it was too hot for him-bring plenty of water. and take breaks

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If she wanted to stop she would - believe us when we tell you that you would soon know if the run was too much for Bella. Just make sure to carry water with you so that if she needs to drink it's available.

Dogs are like people. Too much exercise when they are young and developing is not advisable. When they are mature then build up gradually and only do as much as the dog is happy to do.

With regard to luxating patella - either your dog has it or does not. Even if there are no symptoms you vet can check for you with a simple manual exam. But really, good muscle tone is one of the best things for any leg problem involving joints.

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Thanks for your help everyone. She loves it. I take my bike sometimes too and she runs right along. When we head home on a paved street (with traffic), I put her in back pack with her head popping out and she's happy as can be.

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