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Urban Park


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I live in a suburb south of Dayton and today I took angel to a Riverscape a urban park in downtown Dayton. lets us say you could really tell she isn't a city dog. Normally she doesn't bark hardly ever. sometimes she will if she tries to get another dog to play with her. She also walks really good at home on our walks. This is the first time I have ever took her downtown so she isn't really used to all the distractions. The water is really high right now on the Great Miami river so a lot of the lower paths we couldn't walk on b/c the water was over it. there were a lot geese but she wouldn't go in b/c she was freaked out about the depth (which I really didn't mind I didn't want the current to pull her in anyways), she didn't like when we walked under the bridge which had cars driving on (she barked at it), she didn't like the siren that shoots the water display for the bridge, she didn't like the car alarms (she hears these all the time so not real sure why it bothered her today...she barked again), was going to town on geese turds, didn't like the small water monuments that shot out water (more barking), every time we walked by someone she pulled like crazy and cried...apparently every one we walked by is there to see her lol (shes never this bad), and she peed on the wright flyer 3 monument (shhh don't tell :twisted: )

After about an hour of walking around she did better but she still pulled pretty bad...I guess I will have to work with her to get her used to all the distractions...(so she s not scared of everything)


did not like the water monument


really wanted to get the geese in the middle of the river but was afraid of the really high water


another water monument that shoots the water all at once, then half it, then 1/3 of it, and then none and then repeats. She didnt like this either this was as close as she got to it


peed on the statue on the bottom


This is the water display where the siren went off that she also didn't like


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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It looks like an interesting park - with lots of different things to see and for Angel to learn about!

Holly does not like sudden loud noises and is not keen on water so she would probably have the same re-actions! She also is not keen on geese but fascinated by ducks.

When I took Holly to seaside she reversed from the waves coming near her on the sand!


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