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I'm done! Yay!!!! I'm graduating and going through the ceremonies yesterday and tomorrow! Well, almost, I have to take one night class over the summer at the community college, math (bleck)...but other than that I'm all finished! It was really cool to see the President speak at the commencement ceremony at ASU last night. Yes it was warm, but I'm an AZ native and didn't find it thaaat bad, once the sun went down it was actually nice with a breeze. My kids are glad I'm done and excited to see me 'walk' tomorrow (its very early, 8:00am, ugh!). I'll post a pic if I get a good one. I'm sure Tuk is glad too, he's been a trooper through the whole thing. I will have a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. I wanted to go on to graduate school but life has taken a funky turn and I've seperated from my DH so now I will be looking for a job instead. I know the job market's saturated, but I'm keeping my attitude right-you make your own path-and am not going to let that dissuade me! I love this forum and always would read up even late at night after studying and such just for fun so I wanted to share with y'll my news.

Fork 'em Devils! :devil:


FYI, the ASU mascot is Sparky, the Sun Devil and we all say Fork 'em Devils for football games and such.

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Idaho Cairns

Congrats! It is so difficult to manage a house and kids and complete a degree at the same time, you are to be commended. Like your attitude toward job prospects, with your degree you have several options--let us know which direction you go.

Enjoy your achievement and thanks for letting us in on it.

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Congratulations!! You should be very proud of yourself! I love your attitude with everything..You will go very very far!


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Good on you! mmmmm a degree in Psychology.... with some of our comments and threads perhaps you could become our resident "shrink"! Lord knows some of us could use some advice! :book:

PS Come up to Canada... lots of jobs up here.

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

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sheila and Misty

how great! and how proud you must feel-the beginning of a fascinating career. bet you learned alot from us!

:blush: and you certainly by now should be considered to have a phd in behavior ! canine and human. :P

best of luck to you.

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I share your "yuch" re math! Why bother with it when someone invented calculators and tools like Excel? :whistle:

A BIG congratulations on earning your degree. I hope that life's twists and turns work out well for you and you end up doing something wonderful job wise (and else wise).

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Congradulations. Tuk will now have to get use to a new routine but with your new degree it should be no problem. Hmmm DOG PSYCHOLOGIST sounds good maybe a new field.


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Congratulations on your hard work as it must have been with family and Tuk!


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Congrats Dawn! What an awesome accomplishment. I wish you the best with your next chapter... Tuk is more than welcome to hang out with Taz any time. The Tuk & Taz dynamic duo :D

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Congrats, how excited you must be!

Kintra Cairns

Home of Multi-Group Winning Ch. Paragon's Stately Affair CD RN CGC "Zach"

And ZaZa, the Min Pin

Canine Chronicle article - "Through the Storm" about my first journey to Westminster


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Congratulations!!! I finish my BA up officially in December, but I'm just going to be taking a math class in the fall (they don't offer a math class for the non-math/science majors in the summer where I go). YUK. Anyhow, good for you! Enjoy the freedom of not being in school anymore.

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