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No new coarse fur?


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Louie has been looking a little raggedy lately, so I have slowly started to strip him down for summer, but now in the spots I've stripped he's soft like my cat!! What is up with that? :( I can see some course hair growing in, but not much and he's got some bald patches after I've stripped. I'm not pulling too hard or anything. His skin seems red and flaky and aggravated.

Also, he seems to be suffering slightly from eating some grain food when he stayed with a sitter this past week. When will he get back to normal from eating his food exclusively?

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That may just be his undercoat, on my wheaten boy Duncan he has a double undercoat and it is very soft. It is soft and flyaway and once I have stripped the outer coat I thin out the undercoat a bit. On Paint my dark brindle she has a very soft red undercoat and I had to take some out but not nearly as much as Duncan.

It could just have a very thick undercoat. You can ask the breeder and see what she says.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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If you're stripping Louie all the way down for the summer, then you will see his undercoat, which is very soft. If he's completely stripped down, it will take quite awhile for the coarse fur to grow back in.

I completely stripped down our male back in January and his coat is just now coming in.



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That may just be his undercoat, on my wheaten boy Duncan he has a double undercoat and it is very soft. It is soft and flyaway and once I have stripped the outer coat I thin out the undercoat a bit.

That must be what Mett has..a double undercoat! Never thought of it like that before, just that it's really thick and puffs out!

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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You can easily thin out the undercoat with a medium Furminator or by taking a stripping knife and 'raking' it through the undercoat. Just be careful to not take too much since undercoat takes way longer than outercoat to grow back.

I typically noticed outercoat that was completely stripped back to start showing through in about a month, and is full 'normal' condition by 3 or so months.

Kintra Cairns

Home of Multi-Group Winning Ch. Paragon's Stately Affair CD RN CGC "Zach"

And ZaZa, the Min Pin

Canine Chronicle article - "Through the Storm" about my first journey to Westminster


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Just running a normal comb in the opposite direction to where the hair grows works to remove undercoat too. In other words, back comb. I do it every week with my two pooches.

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Whew! Totally stripped his body today. Two straight hours watching tv in my bedroom. He was pretty patient. He still needs some work on his legs, belly, chest, head adn tail. He already seems less itchy. My husband couldn't believe how different he looks stripped all the way down. Today running my fingers through his fur, I felt more pricklies underneath so the outer coat is coming.

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