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On Tuesday in the park with our 2 dogs, we met an elderly lady with a Cairn called Huckleberry. Little Huckleberry was in a baby pram, lying down, and the woman's eyes were red & puffy, and she explained that he had just been diagnosed with a tumour and *could* die at anytime.

She wanted him to go to the park just the same - so she had bought a second hand pram. He was sooo sweet, with big beautiful brown eyes, and he was lying very still, but still looking around at everything and he licked my hand and obviously enjoyed the strokes and scratches I gave him. His poor owner was so sad! I think she is going be just heartbroken when he dies, and I have been crying over this intermittently ever since.

I think she might be alone apart from her precious dog, which just compounded my sorrow. He is 9 years old and has a bit of gray around his chin, otherwise I think he is a red brindle, like Oscar. 9 is not bad - but not old enough in my opinion.

I promised her I would cross my fingers for him, but I just haven't been able to get Huckleberry out of my head. Will you all cross your fingers too? or pray, if you pray?

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Oh my, this just breaks my heart. I will pray for Huckleberry and his owner. I hope she has family to comfort her when the time comes. I will be thinking of Huckleberry and keeping him in my prayers.

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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i really hope that he is spared any suffering.

i'm sure that they have had a wonderful 9 yrs together so we can be thankful for that at least.


"Auschwitz begins whenever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks: they're only animals."

- Jewish philosopher Theodor Adorno

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All my prayers are going their way. Bless you for caring about Huckleberry

and his human.

Max and Nelly

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I'm not fond of going on the forum first thing in the morning and reading a story that makes me weep, however we will all face a simular situation

at one time or the other. Not being a praying man I have my fingers crossed and hope that they both get through this without too much agony.

Thanks for the post.

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This story broke my heart. I can just imagine her precious little pup in the pram, just as you described him. Oh, the pain she must be feeling.

I will pray for both of them. May God bless and keep Huckleberry.

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I just knew you would all understand. Thanks for sharing the emotional load, and thinking good thoughts for Huckleberry. I know it's so sad, and I'm sorry, but at the same time it's good to be grateful for your dogs and I know I have hugged Oscar an awful lot this week.

Kramersmom - she was walking in the park with her sister and her sister's two dogs, I think they were shih tzus. So yes - she has family, thank goodness.

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