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Jack at six months


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Hi all, thought you might like to see some of the latest pics of Jack, he's now 6 months! Seems I'm not allowed to add images using the %7Boption%7D tags (not sure why?) so here is the album of all his pics, most recent at the bottom: http://www.baskie.com/Baskie/Family_Albums.../Jack.html#grid

Some might remember the "what is Jack" debate when we first got him. He looked not a lot like a Cairn then, and it has to be said he looks less like one now, although oddly, he is "Cairn" if you know what I mean. The breeder we got him from (Breeds Westies, keeps Cairns as pets and two "got" at each other) said he was sure one of the parents had some mini schnauzer in them but couldn't be sure as he didn't keep papers in his pets, only the breeders. So we knew he was a heinz when we got him, but we're pretty sure now he's a Cairn/Border cross. Either way, he wasn't got as a pedigree but as a pet dog, and he gets more fun everyday and his personality fits right in at home!

He loves mixing with other dogs now, is very playful but can be a bit OTT, but then he's a pup. He still comes to work with me most days and loves the attention my customers give him. His training is going well: He will stay and come when demanded, yes demanded NOT told! And so far his has not shown any destructive behavoir, well expect one of my big potted plants, but he's a digger so that could be forgiven the once. On that note though my lawn is full of holes, BIG holes: One is a foot wide and nearly two foot deep, he can completely get into it, he's very proud of that hole and often sleeps in it!



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Jack has grown to become a great looking dog! He certainly doe have that Border Terrier look to him. I remember you were having a problem with Jack getting out the front door of your shop. How have you resolved that??


Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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there's that handsome jack. if he is cairn/border, you must REALLY have your hands full. how big is he?

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Hi, the running out the door issue was correct by some basic training, he knows now not to go places I say no to, and he "stays" when I tell him. It really only took an afternoon of training so pretty easy to get across really.

Size wise, I'd say in dimension terms he's the same as a fully grown Cairn, maybe a bit longer, but his legs are longer, paws way bigger and generally more stream line. And I mean that without meaning any offense to anyone! He;s still growing though so time will tell just how big he gets.

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Jack looks very much like a border terrier with a dash of Cairn. Whatever the mix, the recipe was perfect because he is HANDSOME!

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i LOVE him!!!

how lucky are you having him with you at work!!!!!


"Auschwitz begins whenever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks: they're only animals."

- Jewish philosopher Theodor Adorno

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