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Daddy's home!


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My husband came home yesterday from a 5 month deployment. We got Louie about three weeks before he left, and all Louie did was sleep and avoid people. :lol:

When we walked in yesterday, Louie recognized him immmediately and went nuts!! He's torn between being loyal to me and wanting to spend as much time with Daddy as possible. :lol: Tony (my dh) is just delighted in the dog Louie has become since he's left.

The only thing that Louie was offended by was sleeping arrangements. He is used to having all of Dh's side of the bed to use. Last night he couldn't find any room to lay down and stretch out and spent most the night on the floor. :( I think I'm going to have to go and get him a nice, cushy bed for the bedroom :thumbsup: I admit though... I missed him last night. I woke up in a panic because he wasn't there. I didn't realize how much I was relying on him to keep me company at night.

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Congratulations on your husband's safe return. How nice it is that Louie remembered him, and was so happy to see him again. Now you're going to have to get used to sharing Louie with him, but don't worry Cairns have plenty of love to spread around. Best of Luck!!!


Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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It is great that he got his Daddy home again!

Thanks for what you and your hubby sacrifice for us all. :)


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Give your fella a big "Welcome Back!" hug from us!

It's so nice that Louie remembered him!

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Idaho Cairns

Please give your returning soldier my sincere gratitude for his service to our country and my family--it is truly appreciated. Hope he enjoys reacquainting himself with his Cairn.

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Good to hear that your husband returned safely and that Louie recognised him! You will have a great time together now!


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Many thanks to your husband for his service, and many thanks to you for supporting him. Yep, maybe Louie needs his own bed.

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Move over little dog 'cause the Big dog is moving in... :lol:

You must give some time to your fellow men. Even if it's a little thing, do something for others - something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.

-Albert Schweitzer (1875 - 1965)

Chase and Gus video

Youtube- Best of Chase and Gus

Cairn Terrierists

It's because cats simply can't be trusted for heavy lifting & dirty work required in the war on terrior.

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Welcome home and thank you to your husband, hope hes home too stay. I can imagine Louie being miffed at the sleeping arangements but he'll adapt they seem to do that quite well.


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