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The Fence Contractors are coming----


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Hi All,

In the next two weeks, I have four fence contractors lined up to come give me estimates on PVC fencing for our backyard

For those of you who have fencing, do you have any adivce or words of wisdom to impart?

Something you did or wished you did not do that you care to share?

I am so thrilled to finally be able to afford this fence (well, I think I can afford it-we shall see AFTER I get the estimates)!

One thing I know I am somwhat concerned about is how close they can get the bottom of the fence to the ground. I have read about some sort of small fence/barrier you can place into the ground at the bottom of the fence so I plan to ask about that.



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I learned that our 6ft fence meant nothing to a determined Cairn who will dig under the fence! Our fence is only a couple inches from the ground -enough for her to peak underneath and be tempted by all the new sights and sounds on the other side. I thought, "Oh there's no way she'd be able to squeeze under there." About two days later, the digging began! We had to get PVC skirting all around our fence. A friend put large rocks at the base of their fence. It looks very pretty but was far too expensive for us.

Is your fence going to be solid or the slat kind with spaces in between? I think the curious little angels are tempted when they can see through the fence. Had I know I'd be getting a Cairn when we put up the fence years ago, I would have opted for a solid type fence.

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i'm lucky - for some reason one of my boys only has tried in a couple of places but never bad enough to get under.

BUT if i left them all day in garden i'm not sure if this would be the case. my garden is quite big and i've paved half and the other half is lawn, and i've got a gate to keep them off the lawn if i don't want them on it when i'm out.

it should be pretty easy to put little 'guards' up to stop them. and just keeping an eye out to start off with.

good luck!

"Auschwitz begins whenever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks: they're only animals."

- Jewish philosopher Theodor Adorno

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I would definitely find out how they can secure the bottom of the fence so that your cairn can't dig out. If there's any sort of gap between the fence and the ground there's a really good chance your cairn will dig out. The best is a deeply buried fence. It's amazing how they can squeeze through the tiniest of places.

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We put down old bricks in the digging holes. Also rocks too. They dont like pieces of bricks or rocks to dig thru. They stop digging there. I walk my fence line every week.

Also, I have a big pile of dirt below a tree and let them dig all they want there. The squirrels hide pecans in it. One of our Cairs likes pecans..cracks them and eats them.

You must give some time to your fellow men. Even if it's a little thing, do something for others - something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.

-Albert Schweitzer (1875 - 1965)

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Youtube- Best of Chase and Gus

Cairn Terrierists

It's because cats simply can't be trusted for heavy lifting & dirty work required in the war on terrior.

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Despite your concern about digging under the fence, I think you will find it to be a great investment. Ozzy started to dig under the fence when we first got it and we just put rocks in the areas that were problematic - seemed to do the trick. Now I can just leave the back door open on nice days and he comes and goes as he pleases. No digging or escape attempts since!

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Hi Everyone,

Thanks for the great replies. We plan on getting six foot PVC Privacy fencing. I would like an arbor with a gate. However, once again, it depends on the safety issues which type of gate or arbor options I might choose. Thanks for the idea about the PVC skirting, I will remember to ask the contractor.

The idea about the large stones is a good one and economical as we have access to quite a few here in rocky NE.

I do worry about the digging and their ubelievable ability to squeeze their little Cairn bodies into and under the smallest of places. Personally, I think the enjoy the challenge!

The first contractor just called to confirm for tomorrow. I have two other contractors scheduled to come and give estimates as well as give us info on the products they use for PVC fencing. I am preparing myself for the sticker shock but I know it is a great investment for our furkids safety and enjoyment. I cannot wait to see them frolicking and roaming free in a safe environment.

I have to say tt has been a little difficult to get contractors to return calls. I realize this is a busy time of year but it gets discouraging when they do not have the courtesty to return a call from a potential customer. It would seem the economy is still booming when it comes to some home improvement services.

I will post an update after the contractors' visits.

Thanks again,


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