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post-859-1240910083_thumb.jpgpost-859-1240909873_thumb.jpg Spring is here ,we went for a heavenly walk in the bluebell wood last night


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sheila and Misty

that is a nice picture and nope I couldnt enlarge it either. I used a magnifier glass.

Didnt Brad mention something about pictures getting too large? I have that problem I only learned to crop-I havent learned to downsize pixels yet.

The bluebells are beautifull-Id be afraid of too many bees tho.

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You can't enlarge it because the actual picture is roughly similar in size to the thumbnail image that represents it. The black box around the picture tells you what size the actual image is. This is helpful to know if you are on dial-up and about to open a giant Megabyte sized file. The lovely bluebells are only 160 x 120 pixels in size, which means they are scarcely bigger than the thumbnail that links to them.

With monitors the size and resolution they typically are these days, I find 640 pixel width images are a good size for most everyone when they are 'hotlinked' or displayed full size right in the post. (See Forum Support for details.) For attachments your bigger concern is that you'll use up your limited attachment space. That's why I strongly prefer hosting images on an image host and linking to them. No real limits on the number of photos you can link to.

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CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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Yes, bluebells are out in force around here too..................... last week I saw lots in Selbourne, now we have them in Nottinghamshire too! Had a lovely walk with Holly this morning along the Chesterfield Canal. Some lovely bluebells on the opposite bank in woods. We were accompanied by my friends and Paddy the Irish Terrier, and saw we saw a family of duck on canal with ducklings - Holly was very interested in those and started squeaking at them - good job she was on lead! Also she liked watching the swan we came across - whilst I was hoping he did not come onto the path.................. sorry, did not have camera with me.....

Paddy was bounding around and was off leash but I will not let Holly off in case something interesting attracted her.

Not sure if you get bluebells in many of the States.

In respect of photos - I reduce them them when I attach them to about 23% of original. I cannot use flickr/photobucket or anything like that as they will not recognise my email address and so canot register.[i have a "domain" name due to some problems with ISP 2 yrs ago having breach of security].


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I think it depends where you live for bluebells in the US....

Where I live we get Lupine....and on our way to training last night it was quite lovely....looked like lakes of lupine nestled between the hills...with lupine streams cascading down the hill side. It only lasts a few weeks and some years are more spectacular than others. Lovely spring flowers...although the hills this year still have a yellow tinge, as we did not get enough rain to really green them up.

Raise your expectations for what your Cairn can do....and try very hard to meet your Cairn's expectations of you.
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Awww... so cute! Makes me homesick for Texas. It's bluebell season there now too!

Shelley, Angus and Mickey in Seattle

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No large cow in this but Holly is at my feet as I took this in woods last week!

Hard to take photo when you are holding a dog on lead!


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there's nothing more beautiful than a bluebell wood - unless it's got a beautiful cairn in it!!!!

loved it!

"Auschwitz begins whenever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks: they're only animals."

- Jewish philosopher Theodor Adorno

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