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Misty and sticky things

sheila and Misty

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sheila and Misty

I dont know what it was with Misty today but she must have really enjoyed outside.----she came in with 1-pancake bum...which took 20 min soaking in the water and her washcloth and another 20 min of hair removal from pancake.

and her bum hair is short as I can make it without scalping her now.

her one toe had a wad of dirty gum on it-havent been able to remove that in its entirity but good for now and a clum of pine sap with mud mixture on top of her head.... Thank full that Toby only had a dirty nose and a muddy treat to wash off. other than that we had a great day! oh and that all happened in my backyard-good thing I didnt take them for a walk probably would have come home with those nasty little burr thingies. so whats the hardest thing you ever had to remove from your cairn?

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Try rubbing peanut butter into the gum and pine tar....the oil in the peanut butter should disolve them.

As far as hard things to remove...Iz has a coat that is to soft...so it is more apt to pickup stuff. She loves to run through the Forget-Me-Nots and their seeds are little and fuzzy and just stick to her like velcro.....Have to comb and pick those off everyday for most of the summer. Not fun.

Raise your expectations for what your Cairn can do....and try very hard to meet your Cairn's expectations of you.
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I've heard peanut butter for the gum too, let us know if it works! So far, knock on wood, the worst Tuk's gotten into is mud, but there's not alot to get into around here.

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sheila and Misty
Try rubbing peanut butter into the gum and pine tar....the oil in the peanut butter should disolve them.

As far as hard things to remove...Iz has a coat that is to soft...so it is more apt to pickup stuff. She loves to run through the Forget-Me-Nots and their seeds are little and fuzzy and just stick to her like velcro.....Have to comb and pick those off everyday for most of the summer. Not fun.

thanks Ill give it a try if she doesnt eat it before it gets to her paw Ill let you know if it worked!

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sheila and Misty

The p-butter helped somewhat maybe certain brands work better. Misty and Toby both ejoyed her paw guess the scent stays on past a rinsing.

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Maybe it works better for people hair than dog hair? I'm sure it was a struggle too...but it must've been funny to watch them licking her after!

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My Cassie got in to tree pitch once, of course it was while I was showing her. Not the most disgusting thing she has ever applied externally but certainly one of the hardest to remove.

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