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Listerene, who would've thunk it?


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After reading and posting about brushes and such awhile back I've been using the advice about the listerene solution for Tuk-tuk and it works great! He still hasn't got used to the spray bottle and doesn't exactly like getting sprayed down, but loves the rub down and brushing (btw, the pin brush is also fabulous!) so he tolerates it. He apparently also feels like he's just gotten a bath since he rubs and rolls around on the carpet grunting and being silly just like after I give him a real bath! I haven't given him a bath in a couple months and he doesn't smell, except like vanilla mint! LOL! So thank you to all who posted their advice before it really helped us out! :thumbsup:

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Thats great he likes it so well! I use listerene ALL the time on show dogs (not just Cairns) and it works wonders.

Kintra Cairns

Home of Multi-Group Winning Ch. Paragon's Stately Affair CD RN CGC "Zach"

And ZaZa, the Min Pin

Canine Chronicle article - "Through the Storm" about my first journey to Westminster


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Listerene ? I have missed this tip could you tell me about it ,sounds interesting


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sheila and Misty
Listerene ? I have missed this tip could you tell me about it ,sounds interesting

They were just saying instead of a bath-because the dogs shouldnt be washed very often it works great keeping the odor donw -especially when they rol in rabbit poo get a spray bottle or put on a rag and wipe over the coat to keep them smelling mm mm good instead of gag me gross! does help quite a bit...if you use a spray bottle keep away from face. and use minimal choose your favorite listerine scent. thats all.

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It can also help cut down grime/gunk in the coat.

Kintra Cairns

Home of Multi-Group Winning Ch. Paragon's Stately Affair CD RN CGC "Zach"

And ZaZa, the Min Pin

Canine Chronicle article - "Through the Storm" about my first journey to Westminster


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I was told by our groomer to use the listerine mix and brush them at least once a week.

She's the one that told me about the listerine mix and I posted it on here, might have been the thread Dawn is talking about.

I can't remember the last time we gave our 2 a bath, when they start smelling, I just spritz them down and give them a good brushing.

It's also good for the skin too!



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Yes, after reading the tip on here about listerine I use it on Holly - like after this mornings walk she was muddy underneath and legs so I used Listerine and water to clean her up - she seems to like it too!


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I think when I read about it originally it was a 50/50 solution, I'm using 3:1 water to listerene right now-still getting results. We get so hot here that he gets real smelly as soon as it warms up (we got to 102 last week!) so this has been a great alternative for us to giving baths all the time which irritate his skin allergies. I'm so happy you all shared this, and glad even more cairn parents are learning about it now-its so awesome!

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