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Whose bed is it?

Jessica H

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I bought Dozer a large new bed and here is how it goes

(pictures taken with my phone so not too great)

Dozer in his new bed...


Scooter and Dozer in the bed (notice who has more room)


Scooter and Sadie (notice Dozer in the background?)


Scooter finally takes over and shows his teeth when Dozer tries to sleep in it


Scooter is allowed on the couch but Dozer isn't so I may be buying another bed like this for Doze. They love to bully him (they do not care about the 60lb weight difference. :twisted:

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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LMAO :D both of mine do the same thing to my SIL dog (he's a boxer)

I love the bottom picture of scooter he looks pretty comfy in that nice big bed! :D


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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I have the same problem... Except it's MY bed that the dog tries to take over!

At night he will steal my pillow and when I try to push him away he will growl at me!! <_<

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That is hysterical!! I love it!! I love the picture with Dozer in teh back ground, defeated sleeping on the floor. You can almost see Scooter and Sadie thinking "The NERVE of the DOG trying to sleep in BED WITH US!!"

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I will have to post a photo I have when I get home. I bought a bed just like that for Gus, except much smaller, and the opposite thing happened. My Lab decided she wanted to sleep in it. She could actually curl up and get all her legs tucked under her and sleep in that tiny bed. Gus didn't care because he wasn't interested in resting when she was. I bought a bigger one for my Lab and now they will both sleep in either one. Silly dogs.

Meredith, Gus, and Daisy


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Isn't it funny how the larger dogs wad up in the smallest ball possible and Cairns sprawl out like they own the world?

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The funny thing is that I had bought them a bed a few years ago and they wanted nothing to do with it ( gave it to the cats) so I haven't bothered to get them another bed. Now that they see Dozer likes this bed they are ALL OVER IT!

Doze puts up with a lot, Sadie (all 12.5 lbs.) hangs off his neck, stalks him like a cat, steals his toys (even though she doesn't really want them), bites his head when he is sleeping, bites the back of his legs while he walking, etc. and he puts up with it. She is RUTHLESS with him. I am glad he is so mild mannered...

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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What a great story your pictures told. It's funny how Cairns will have no interest in something, until someone else shows an interest. Then they are all over it. You need a family-sized bed for everyone to crawl into! :D

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Hahaha!! I love the picture of Dozer lying on the tiny bed. He looks so defeated. And Scooter and Sadie look like what they did was completely normal, like it was just what they were supposed to do.

Sparky Jones & Scout Jones
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The pic with "The one with more room" made me LOL!!! HAha


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That is so funny! Love the pictures. So true, Cairns rule!!! Dozer is one calm boy that is forsure.

Oh my Daisy all curled up in Gus's bed. That is so cute and funny. He is so much larger than that bed but he seems so comfy! What a cute photo.

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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poor Dozer! I love the pic of him in the background....he's at least twice the size of the little bed the cairns left for him! It seems clear that he wants his new bed but knows his place!

mjones - your pic of Daisy is PRICELESS! That is ridiculous!

Currey has officially taken over my bed. He is fine spending his time when we aren't home in his own bed and usually falls asleep in it, but sometime after we go to bed each night he finds his way back to our room. I like having him snuggled at my feet or knees, but he ONLY wants to snuggle up to DH, who hates it. He wakes up in the AM and claims he didn't sleep a wink cuz a little 16 lb dog was pushing him off the bed...sigh....

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Too cute!

Sadly, my Cairn doesn't like beds. He actually prefers a plastic crate pan most of the time (even when I put a crate pad in, he pushes it out). I can think of at least 5 dog beds we have laying around the house, plus numerous other dog pillows and crate pads, yet he just won't use them. When he sleeps loose, he'll sleep on the floor for awhile, might lie at the foot of my bed for 20 or so minutes, then walks into his crate to spend the night. So the Min Pin gets my bed to herself.

Kintra Cairns

Home of Multi-Group Winning Ch. Paragon's Stately Affair CD RN CGC "Zach"

And ZaZa, the Min Pin

Canine Chronicle article - "Through the Storm" about my first journey to Westminster


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Could not stop laughing at that picture of Daisy snuggled up on the small bed!


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I love the 2nd picture, Dozer is so cute. xD

And the picture of Daisy in that tiny bed is hilarious!

I know what you guys mean about taking the toys away. I tried to give Rusty Sonny's heartbeat pillow to sleep on and he didn't want it. So I gave the heartbeat pillow to Sonny, who was sleeping. Rusty walks over, takes the heartbeat pillow, walks away with it, and leaves it on the floor. Poor puppy!

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hi jessica

i'm new. my name's jude and my boys are archie and ozzy (and other dog, freddie). i just wanted to say how much your cairns look like mine! i thought i was looking at a pic of mine at first!

as for the bed. i have beds scatterered around everywhere cos they just can't make up their minds!


"Auschwitz begins whenever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks: they're only animals."

- Jewish philosopher Theodor Adorno

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hi jessica

i'm new. my name's jude and my boys are archie and ozzy (and other dog, freddie). i just wanted to say how much your cairns look like mine! i thought i was looking at a pic of mine at first!

as for the bed. i have beds scatterered around everywhere cos they just can't make up their minds!


Welcome to the forum! Your little ones are adorable. I think it is pretty common to have a light and dark Cairn, lol. I love other 2 Cairns but I decided to get a German Shepherd back in November and he is the best, they just LOVE to pick on him...

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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sheila and Misty

I can bet when you buy dozer the new bed -whether its identical or not -scooter wll have his little but in it and dozer will get the older one!

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