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Tuk-tuk is too funny!


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So the other day we went to the dog park, its a pretty good sized one that has fencing down the middle to close off half for big/small dog area but its never closed...which we really like. It also has a walking path all the way around thats gravel-y. Its the nicest park anywhere near us so we go there all the time, plus it has nice dog owners who almost always clean up after their pets and are really responsible too. Anyway, we go the other day and they have the fence closed off so the grass can grow in on the other side. No big deal, Tuk is still having the time of his life as always. I'm visiting and do my usual where's Tuk check...and don't see him right off. Then I spot him...squeezing himself under the fence! He pops out the other side with this total expression of joy, does a couple of bunny hops and runs to check out this new found nirvana! I tried calling him, and he did stop and look at me, but the lure of the whole other side was too much. I run over, noticing they have the fence padlocked closed wondering how I'm going to get my dog back. He'd crawled through a small mud puddle in the gravel path. All the dogs followed me and reached the hole first (they were all too big to fit) which brought Tuk back to the spot and he tried to come back through (I guess no dogs=boring other side) but the dogs were in the way. I shooed them all and grabbed his collar and was able to pull him back through, just barely-he seemed to have gained 10 lbs while over there but they were imaginary ones. He was all muddy from the puddle and all the people we were there with were astonished at how dirty he was which I thought was funny cause I was astonished that my smart little one was the only dog who had figured out how to get on the other side of the fence (he wasn't the only smaller dog there). I laughed about his expression and doted on his creativity and ingenuity while they still fixated on his muddy-ness. Ah the joy of loving a Cairn! I'm so happy he came back ok, and secretly a little proud of him, is that a bad thing? lol I do wish I had a picture of him when he got through, his expression was priceless!

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That is the sweetest most heartwarming story I have ever read. You had me laughing all the way through.. I dont think it is bad to be proud! I had an inkling this story wasnt gonna be a bad one.. That was a major accomplishment in my opinion! Tuk Tuk is such a good boy!


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I always seem proudest of all my kids.. non furry and furry alike.. when they're a little bit naughty. To me it shows intelligience and individualism. ;)

You know.. everyone loves a cairn. Everyone at our dog park just falls in love with Louie. They're personalities are infectious. They're fearless and can hang with the big dogs very easily and by the end are usually running the show, and let's be honest, they're just too adorable when dirty. :lol:

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Hey Tuk,

Taz here. I went to that same park yesterday for the first time (went to work with Mom -- and it's right next dooor). First time hanging with the BIG dogs. Mom was a little nervous, especially when the pit bull mix came in. So she watched me very closely. I snarled at one of the bigger dogs when he tried to get my ball, and Mom had to hold the big dog by the collar until things calmed down! I think it's going to take a little time to get used to the 70+ lb dogs! ;)

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