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Snake proofing your dog


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So Murphy's encounter got me thinking about something I've briefly considered before, snake "proofing" Tuk-tuk. There is a place here in the Phoenix area that will do it and here's the website if you're curious http://www.snakeproofing.com/. I have thought about cause rattlers are prevalent all over the state and he's sooo close to the ground and fearless. But this place uses an e collar for training...but if Tuk were to get bit I'm afraid he wouldn't survive it. I'm also about to check into the vaccine as well. I didn't know that till I read it on the website. So would you snake proof your dog? Nothing is 100%, but is this kind of training worth it? Especially since they use an e collar, which I do not like but I see what they reason the need is for it.

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We don't have a prevalence of poisonous snakes in my area, so I have never considered snake proofing. I definitely would invest in it if I lived in a higher risk area.

Although e collars are not my preferred method of training, I would rather have my dog deal with an e-collar a few times in a controlled setting rather than risk it with a poisonous snake.

I'm not sure if you're considering this school or not, but it seems like their training pays off for even Terriers...one of their testimonials is from a Scottish Terrier owner.

Kintra Cairns

Home of Multi-Group Winning Ch. Paragon's Stately Affair CD RN CGC "Zach"

And ZaZa, the Min Pin

Canine Chronicle article - "Through the Storm" about my first journey to Westminster


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Obviously, we have a lot of poisonous snakes here. Diamondback and pygmy rattlers are two that are quite common. A lady at work lost her dog to a pygmy.

Several people I work with have mentioned the vaccine, and now I am seriously considering it (about $40 in total, shot and booster two weeks later).

As for the "system" you posted - it's interesting, but I'm a skeptic at heart. Our little dogs have instincts that may be hard to curb. Murphy somehow knew to avoid the cotton mouth, but at the same time he is young and may have been too excited to remember to use the doggy door. Yesterday he had that coral snaked cornered and dancing around.

I do have experience with an E-collar, with our labrador retriever, and they do work really well - so I'm just wishy washy when it comes to these types of things (yeah, no help at all....LOL).

Let me know if you decide to do this though!

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