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Louie doesn't know what to do with himself


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The kids have been home for 10 days for spring break, and my son only goes to school three days. So, today has been the first day of us just me and Lou, and he seems bored. I thought he would be happy not having them here, since he's usually snarling at them to leave him alone. Maybe he has a love hate relationship with them? They do go out back with him a lot and swing on the swings so he can bark at them, or make up games where he's the fish, and they're the anglers. They stand in the wagon, and throw a toy out tied to a rope for him to wrestle with. They've even tied one of his toys to a swing so that when they swing, he can safely grab at it and play tug of war with the swing!! He loves it.

Yet, he's snarly, usually in the evening. He doesn't want to be petted and DEFINITELY not held by them. He just snarls, and only snaps if they are really persistant. Yet when they come home from school, he's all over them giving them kisses and wagging his tail.

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