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How to determine the color of a cairn puppies


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Hi guys I am getting ready to send in the litter reg. for my pups and I am undecided on what color to put down on the paperwork. its so hard to determine sometimes and they are forever changing colors during there life so I am going to post pics of them they are 6 weeks and if any of you would have an opinion of what color to label them maybe that would help me decide .... the one I am having the hardest time deciding on is Peyton she has brindle through her now but she also looks like she could go almost wheaten ... is there such thing as a wheaten/brindle?














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Those are the cutest pups!!! Are you going to keep any of them? We just got a puppy and the papers say wheaten so I'll post a picutre of our Dixie!!!!! She looks alot like Peyton. Dixie's mother is very lite wheaten and her Dad is brindle.



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what a cutie... she looks just like sid and ted :) they are definitly wheaten...... my female is brindle and my male is wheaten....

and I may keep Rosie. but not sure yet... that might just push my hubby over the edge ... I have a small army of dogs :)

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Oh my! They are all so adorable!! In terms of color. My Kramer when he was a pup looks just like

Wheezie (love the name) Dark muzzle, ears etc... You can see in my Avatar he is still with the dark ear's and muzzle he is 4. My first Cairn Missy was solid black as a pup and stayed solid black all her 17 years of life until she had gotten some grey due to old age.

Missy when she was young


Kramer now 4


Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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I don't know if this site would be any help for you, but I have bookmarked it for when we have our litter. http://www.lachleen.dk/uk/Farver.htm Wheezie looks alot like Chloe did when we brought her home and she is registered as Red Brindle. Sid and Ted both look like they are Weatons. Peyton definitely looks brindled...I would guess a darker brindle according to that color chart. I would say Myra is a Dark Brindle, and Rosie would be a Dark Red Brindle. Of course those are just my guesses, but I love those pictures and can't wait for our own!

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Adorable pups! :wub:

Every time I see one, it makes me want another! lol

It looks like Dixie is going to be a wheaton once the stripping starts, all those black hairs will come out.

Too cute!



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sheila and Misty

Ill take 1 rosie and 1 peyton please.. if you can throw the rest in as a bonus! just kidding I have enough for now what were the parents? look at our avatar-Misty is a wheaton brindle and Toby is a dark brindle. this is Mistys puppy picpost-2491-1240250375_thumb.jpg-compare.

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this is there mom she is registered as just brindle


as a pup


and this is the dad he is registered as wheaten....


he is in need of a good stripping :P

as a pup


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I think Brad gave the best advice to me in this area.... if the puppy has any brindle, just register it 'brindle'.... it will most likely be nearly black at some point anyway!

No brindle, then give it your best shot!

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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well this is how I think I would do it..

rosie = brindle

wheezie = brindle

myra = brindle

ted = wheaten

sid = wheaten

but peyton I am tossed on ... she does have some brindle but it is very light and I am afraid that when her puppy coat is gone she is going to end up being all wheaten... then the people that are getting her are going to call me up and say you told me she was brindle lol ... I guess I am just being a worry wart....

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I'll wrestle you for her! She is the cutest thing! Her eyes are such a pretty shape, oh it makes me want a puppy sooo bad. My son gets one first, I have to wait awhile till I get another...but where are you located? J/k, or maybe not...internal dialog coming out on the computer, must stop typing, cannot have puppy...getting off thread, will not look at adorable pics anymore...aaahhhh!

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Who are the puppies out of?

I'm almost positive my Zach is registered as a Wheaton Brindle with Dark Points...he is now a Silver Brindle and my guess is he'll be black or a very dark brindle within the next year.

Kintra Cairns

Home of Multi-Group Winning Ch. Paragon's Stately Affair CD RN CGC "Zach"

And ZaZa, the Min Pin

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Can't help you on color at all, but I do have to say that seeing those pictures was the high point of my day!

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In my previous post I forgot to say what they were labelked as cvolor on the papers. Missy's papers said

dark brindle and Kramers just say brindle. Krmaer has a few different colors going threw him. Ears and muzzle mostly ears are pitch black. When Kramer was a puppy I thought he was going to be black that is how dark he was but then the lighter brindle took over. I love his coloring though. My Missy was solid black.

Oh yeah I will take one Wheezie

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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I have nothing constructive to add to the post, but have to say that I am in love with them ALL!


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You can register a cairn wheaten brindle.

I think I would go with just brindle - it looks like there's a lot of color there that could change a lot.

Here's a link to the colors you can use. http://www.akc.org/registration/colormarkings.cfm

And copied from akc.org if the link doesn't work.

Black S 007

Black Brindle S 279

Brindle S 057

Cream S 076

Cream Brindle S 255

Gray S 100

Gray Brindle S 107

Red S 140

Red Brindle S 148

Silver S 176

Wheaten S 224

Red Wheaten A 156

Silver Brindle A 303

Silver Wheaten A 305

Wheaten Brindle A 304


Description Type Code

Black Markings S 002

Black Mask S 004

Black Points S 019

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thanks kittdog..... thats very helpful..... now I think I have all of them pin pointed I think I will register peyton as light brindle....

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I would go with just what they look like now... Jock was a red brindle puppy, turned wheaten as a 4 yr old and now as an eight yr old dog has a black face with grey undertones the rest of his body is wheaten and cream on the under coat and the outer coat is black grey!

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

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Oh my goodness...what little darlings!!! I have the up most respect for you for being able to get such great pictures.

Like someone else said I really have nothing constructive to add about the coloring. But was having a bad night (thinking about this little graduating/job hunting/relocation situation I have brewing), but these little babies brightened my night right up! :wub:

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Thanks Kittdog...I didn't know there were so many classifications...I was missing 3 or 4! Mine is registered as either grey or silver brindle, although he was quite dark as a pup, then went almost wheaten around 1 yr (I was shocked one day when I guy stopped me and said "Oh I love Wheaten Cairns" and I looked down and realized that was what he was at the time!) and now he definitely is silver brindle. I like the sound of registering her as Wheaten Brindle. If she gets more brindled, you are covered, and if she stays a blonde, still covered!

The puppies are GREAT! I love the look in Wheezie's eyes! Thanks for sharing all the pics!

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what a cutie..... what color is taz considered? I just registered the 4 girls as brindle. and the boys are wheaten that way I am safe .. lol I really think peyton is a wheaten brindle right now but they change so much I just did brindle..... thanks guys for all of your input....

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