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Anyone want to make their Cairn go nuts?


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pretty good performance! i would note, the audio range of the recording doesn't seem to quite capture the true heart-stopping edge of the thing as experienced face to face. but it's as close as you can get. i agree, people considering cairns should be made to watch this at maximum volume about a hundred times. those who can still walk afterwards will be considered for cairn parenthood.

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We just played it at top volume. Currey got up off the chair out of a dead sleep and came to listen quite intently while clawing at the speakers and tilting his head back and forth. He lasted less than 30 seconds till he decided to wander back to bed, though!

He used to get very excited over another dog at work and let out an even more obscene sound. one of the first times it happened, the man in the office a floor BELOW mine came running to see if he was hurt. Our secretary (whose office was a good 50 yards down the hall) used to call it "puppy in a blender"...no other description has really suited that sound!!!

Thanks for sharing!

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Idaho Cairns

Got both of my girls going--big time--one was in my lap in an instant watching the entire thing and trying to harmonize!

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Gosh, what's wrong with you people? Can't you understand Cairn for "put some oil on that swing it's hurting my ears!" :D

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Wow!! That brought both Bailey & Sophie into the office, RUNNINGAROUNDCRAZYBARKINGTHEIRFOOLHEADSOFF!!! Even Sophie's screaming at the birds in the tree out back isn't quite that shrill & piercing :surrender:

Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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Wow!! Gus has never done that. I don't suppose I could be so lucky to escape that sound for his whole life though. I don't think I'll let him hear it. Don't want to give him any ideas.

Meredith, Gus, and Daisy


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As mentioned in many of the above comments, this video got Renny's attention. He was sacked out on the couch and was instantly next to me jumping up and barking.

There are a bunch of other interesting looking videos in the "related items" box on the right of the screen. I plan to check more of them out soon.

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oh that is sooooo familiar unfortunately.

Cricket carries on like that every morning when "Maggie" the black lab mix passes by our house with her owners on their morning walk.

She sits and waits and watches for them and then launches into the death screech.

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Yep, got Kirby going. Now he's running around chasing his tail because he's so frenzied! Packy, on the other hand, has his paws over his ears.

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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Kramer was looking like what the heck is that! He looked at my computer and walked in the other room. I think it even hurt his ears, my ears are ringing. That video also shows how patient our Cairns can be with little kids. If that was Kramer he would be far away from those swinging swings as he would be afraid he would get hit in the head. Louie is fearless :)

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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If I had heard this video before I got Paco - I would have thought: "Come on, this is

an exception" NOW I know it is not. Before hearing this video I was thinking that Paco

was an exception. Glad you enlightened me.

On the other hand......there is never a dull moment in your life when you have a Cairn

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Taz was right next to me when I started the video and went BONKERS! He wanted to jump into the monitor. Funny how certainly acts will get a Cairn all worked up!

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haha! yes! what a great video. thanks for posting it. :) that's the sound wallace makes! although he might be a little more high pitched when he screeches!

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Finally got to see this...all 3 of my pups are screeching their

little heads off. Olie wants to eat the computer and I can't stop


Mom of 3 screechers

Max and Nelly

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Hollie heard me watching this video and now she won't stop barking!! Poor baby will never get a nap! The barking must be a contgagious Cairn thing....

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah
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You know... I've been unable to really listen to this video because when he hears my voice in the beginning he knows what it is and starts barking right away. I tried it the other day while he was outside with the door closed, and he went nuts at the door barking right away! I need to sit and listen to it with headphones on.

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I am laughing my head off despite the chaos surrounding me. OMG...that was hysterical and my dogs refuse to leave my desk.

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After reading other's comments I dare not watch video whilst Holly is near me - even a dog barking on the computer sends her potty! so what this woyld do to her I don't know - and besides which she is fast asleep!


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LOL! Oscar joined the trend of coming to see why the computer is barking! And of course, he couldn't pass up an opportunity to bark.

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