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Did I do that?


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What a day I had today!!! Mommy and Daddy were busy putting new lattice around the pool deck (I destroyed it last year when I was protecting the pool from snakes, rabbits and birds) and to my surprise, they had left the green house door open. I knew Daddy was wanting to re pot 200 tomato plants, and since he left the flats on the floor, I figured he wanted my help. Oh Boy, was I wrong. He got all red in the face and said naughty words. :censored: It

abbyrose17lk.gifAbby Rose
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WOOF! Eli here.

Boy, what a day you had! Doesn't your upright know if she saves enough of those bunnies she can make a new coat?

I bet you slept well last night.


Eli B)

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You are 100% Cairn..... if you ever find yourself needing a place to hang your hat, you are most welcome at my homestead. :lol: All my treasured plants are out of reach.

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Way to go, Abby, someone has to teach these irresponsible uprights to "KEEP THOSE DOORS CLOSED!!" I think my big guy got the message the day that I slipped out the front door and chased the fire-truck all the way down to the main road before I finally scared it off. Pops got tired of chasing me and sat down on the sidewalk, so I had to come back and make sure he was O.K. You know if they get too excited they can have a heart attack or something. But he was all right, it was just a trick to get me close enough to grab. I didn't think that was fair, those uprights can be really sneaky! He only hollered at me a little, and he gave me a big hug, so I wasn't really in trouble. Anyways, good job on the tomato plants, but make sure he still plants some. I love those little cherry tomatoes, but my guy always puts a fence around them. This summer I'm gonna get over/under/around that darn fence! Keep up the good work, Abby.


Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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