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Compost for dog waste


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Does anyone have any advice on how to start a compost for dog waste? We have 2 Cairns and a good sized yard. I've been thinking of a good way to dispose of the waste and have been doing research but thought that you all might have some suggestions!

Any help/pictures would be greatly appreciated!

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sheila and Misty

the compost would be fine for bushes shrubs flowers etc (nothing etible tho-too much bacteria,as in human waste as well). if you can fence off an area to keep the pets away would be best. dig a hole near the plants about 1-1/2 feet deep throw in some lime add a layer of poo-more lime,dirt grass clippings leaves whatever..lime poo dirt repeat till 4in from top cover completely with lime then dirt(lime keeps the animals from digging it up) does wonders for non edibles

warning! must be kept completely out of reach from pets-lime can really do some damage to their esophagus and stomach which will eventually lead to bleeding and death.

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