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Maggie vs the Red River


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Here's a pic update of the Red River by my place, there are homes evacuated and towns that are islands south of us... but i think we're going to be alright... a big ice floe broke loose and floated down the river yesterday. Maggie and I went for a walk this morning to check it out...this is where i left her on a loose lead (75') and the ice certainly makes for lots of obstacles, maggie was daring enough to jump on some 'icebergs' that were left behind in the park and even dip her feet into the Red... needless to say she needed a bath after that!

These are all 'cell phone' photos, so not the best quality...

a view of the ice floe coming down the river, the trees are in the park by my place...


maggie being brave and iceburg hopping...


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That is a lovely picture of your very brave Cairn "iceberg hopping"! I do not think Holly would be that brave...................... hope that you continue to be safe!


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Fingers crossed that the worst of the flooding is over, and the ice clears out.

You sure have a brave little fella there! :lol: That pic is adorable!

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Thanks for moving the post, i realized after that i put it in the Behaviour forum (which is where i posted a response on the 'lead' thread)... the cell phone takes pretty decent photos and video, but i havent figured out how to download the video in a readable format... I dont like this time of year, since maggie gets really dirty taking her out on a walk! and she doesnt like the shower wand!hahaha! and others with their beach photos are just teasing us!hahaha!


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We live in Edmonton, just hop skip jump from Winnipeg... well kind of. You guys are being flooded out and in Alberta we are facing major drought problems! My biggest issue with Jock isnt lumps of snow at this time but dried twigs being caught up in his coat that were left on the lawn from last falls drought! To bad we cant channel some of your water this way... it would sure make the farmers happy.

Incredible pictures. Beautiful but I know watching the news that this is so potentially dangerous for so many people in the flood areas. Stay safe and Maggie also! :thumbsup:

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

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Good luck on the flooding issue.

I just love dirty Cairns. She looks like she is on a mission checking out the situation..planning a way to make things right again. What a brave girl!


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