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Need advice on crate!


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Dixie pooped in her crate again , I think it was Jimnconnie that said perhaps the crate was to big... I think it is around 13 by 17 , but I hate to buy another smaller one cause they grow so fast. Do you think we should try a smaller box or would that be mean? Maybe I could block of the back portion of it, also maybe it's because she is so young. I need some advice.............Thanks so much, Can't wait for you help!!!!!!!!!!


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I too had to block off a portion of the crate, when Oscar was small. They need only enough room to lay down and get up and turn themselves around.

Cute picture, love the black muzzle and black paws!

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My first crate came with a crate divider that you could hook in the crate to make it a better size for when they were younger. I'm sure you can buy these seperately (and pretty cheap, if I remember correctly) from several different places. If you're dog isn't a huge chewer, I've also heard of people putting a small cardboard box into the back of the crate, making the open area a smaller size.

Kintra Cairns

Home of Multi-Group Winning Ch. Paragon's Stately Affair CD RN CGC "Zach"

And ZaZa, the Min Pin

Canine Chronicle article - "Through the Storm" about my first journey to Westminster


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I wouldnt worry to much about her soiling her crate at the moment. She is still so young and little, brand new surrounding and maybe new food? It all takes a bit of time. Now doubt in a very short while she will do just fine in her crate. Are you taking her out enough after she has eaten? Perhaps a dumb question, but the minute something seems to go in puppies mouths it comes out the other end! :P

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Yes i'm guessing yours didn't come with a crate divider. I didn't know what Rusty's crate divider was until his 1st birthday! lol. it just sat there on the bottom of the crate. silly me thought it belonged there! Well if you didn't get a divider, maybe just some cardboard would work. Sonny's crate didn't come with a divider, but we didn't block off part of the crate either. he stopped eliminating in his crate after 3 days of being home, but that's just him. I've heard of puppies soiling crates for weeks. Try the divider, and if that doesn't work, just wait a few days while Dixie gets used to the home. I wish you luck!!! How old is Dixie? sonny will be 10 weeks tomorrow and his ears popped up 2 days ago. He's growing so fast. -tear. lol.

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Daisy is only 7 weeks she is doing amazing going out to potty and she doesn't mess on the carpet yet but at nite she is in the crate for a long time..........we alway take her out right before bed then last nite I heard and I took out but till woke up at 5 to a poopy in the crate........ we find something that would block some of the crate so will see how tonight goes, thanks for all the help everyone............The breeder said her ears went up week 5

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Oh my gosh, Dixie is so small! I didn't get Gus until he was 4.5 months old and I've never seen a Cairn puppy in person, so your photo is interesting to me......unless of course you have giant hands :) Super cute!

Meredith, Gus, and Daisy


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Daisy is only 7 weeks she is doing amazing going out to potty and she doesn't mess on the carpet yet but at nite she is in the crate for a long time..........we alway take her out right before bed then last nite I heard and I took out but till woke up at 5 to a poopy in the crate........ we find something that would block some of the crate so will see how tonight goes, thanks for all the help everyone............The breeder said her ears went up week 5

I've never expected a very young puppy to make it through the night in a crate. So I've always had a crate in my bedroom and when I hear the puppy wake up I take them outside - and then pop them back in their crate again. It means until they are 3 or 4 months old I am woken up once a night - but in my view its worth it. I save the clean up - and the crate stays clean and reinforces it is a "no mess" zone.

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That's good advice , you are right. I usually take her out at 2 or 3 am and sometimes she has pooped a little..... This morning at 2 the minute i put her on the ground she did both......................During the day after she plays and we go outside to pee I put her in her crate to sleep and she wakes up and makes her little noise and when I take her outside the minute I put her down she does her thing.. I thinks she is doing very good but your right she could never go all night.............


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My vet said for pups, one month equals one hour. Your little one is only 7 weeks old, so that isn't even two hours to hold herself for potty breaks. But it sounds like she is telling you when she needs to go and you are being really good about carrying her outside for the potty breaks.

She is too darling for words!!!

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