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Dixie is home


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It took us 3 hours to go but we got stuck in traffic because this was the 1st day of the season for Six Flags so we were alot longer getting home.. Dixie is so cute and everything works good ( peeing , pooping, eating) so we'll see how the nite goes....................


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"CAIRNGRATULATIONS!!!!!!" Dixie is sooo cute! I love our 2 dogs, but both were older (Bailey 8 mos. & Sophie 1 yr.) when we got them, so we didn't get to have the real "puppy" experience with them. It's going to be so great for you watching her grow up, and it goes by really fast, so be sure to take lots of pictures. Enjoy!!


Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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Awwwwwwwwwww. How adorable. Congrats!

I just got my Molly 3 weeks ago. (She is 13 months though). Wish I had seen her as a puppy! I am in AL too by the way.

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Before I read your response, I'm looking at both darlings, I see the date is the same, kept going back and saying wait a minute, these two aren't the same puppy! Then I said, let me read further, see if anyone else is experiencing what I am. :confused: Well, I see then you posted that on left is Dixie's mama. Her mama is beautiful, Dixie what can I say, she is beautiful. I love the dark muzzle. My Kramer when he was a baby he had the dark muzzle and pitch black ears and still does :)

Hope the nite goes well.

Puppy hugs :)

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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:wub: What a sweetie! Dixie looks liked a little stuffed bear! Sometimes you just kind of wish they stayed puppies for a little longer...

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Dixie is very cute - glad you explained the other pic is of her mama [pretty dog too] as I was confused like kramersmum!


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If only they stayed that cute, oh wait a minute they do. Congrats and can you bottle up some of that puppy breath and send it my way. Wellcome Dixie.


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Sorry for not explaining that the other picture is Dixie's mama, kinda of confusing. She had a pretty good nite got up onco and took her out and then she did poop in her crate, oh well she is just a baby........Ed got up with her this morning and he said her tail was going 90 miles a min......... and played like crazy and now she is napping again....... Ed said everytime she lets out a yelp she is ready to go outside anc potty...........Thanks everybody!!!!!!!!!!

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I see you live in AL hence the name Dixie??? I have a Dixie Crystal and live in GA. Sweet baby. I know you will enjoy her.

There is a dog show in Montgomery, AL 4/25 and 4/26 very small show but they are having a brace competition so we will be out that way showing our kids.

CONGRATS on your Dixie girl


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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I would love to come to the show , we are only 1 hour from Montgomery that would be great!!! Where in Ga. do you live? Thanks for the info...


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Dixie is one of the cutest Cairn pups I've ever seen!! The coloring makes her adorable. Good luck with everything and enjoy her while she's still small. I was a little stressed out the first couple of months with the training, biting & chewing, but now I sometimes wish I could go back to when Taz was a tiny, crazy bundle of joy. ;)

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Dixie is absolutely ADORABLE! omg...i can almost smell the puppy breath....


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she did poop in her crate, oh well she is just a baby........Ed got up with her this morning and he said her tail was going 90 miles a min......... and played like crazy and now she is napping again....... Ed said everytime she lets out a yelp she is ready to go outside anc potty...........Thanks everybody!!!!!!!!!!

Make sure Dixie's crate isn't too big for her while she's this small. If it's too big, she will sleep at one end & use the other end for a bathroom. One of those small carriers would be big enough for her until she grows a little. I sounds like you're having a ball with her! I envy you guys !


Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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OMG she looks so sweet! If I hadn't seen the grass I would've thought she was a stuffed animal, she's so darn cute!

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Make sure Dixie's crate isn't too big for her while she's this small. If it's too big, she will sleep at one end & use the other end for a bathroom. One of those small carriers would be big enough for her until she grows a little. I sounds like you're having a ball with her! I envy you guys !


I think you could be right about the crate, it is one of those plastic closed in kennel about 13 by 17, she is so tiny. Do you think we should use like a box that is quite smaller until she grows some, she did poop in it again last nite. She sure goes outside to potty good!


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