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So. NH - Groomer Recommendations


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Newbie to Cairn Forum... Hi Everyone! Could anyone recommend a groomer in the Southern New Hampshire Area? Also, I never had Jack or Jenny's fur stripped, always just a regular cairn cut, is it necessary to strip in order to maintain a healthy coat?


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Newbie to Cairn Forum... Hi Everyone! Could anyone recommend a groomer in the Southern New Hampshire Area? Also, I never had Jack or Jenny's fur stripped, always just a regular cairn cut, is it necessary to strip in order to maintain a healthy coat?


Welcome to the forum. I'm not in N.H., but there are some members there so maybe you will hear from them. It's, of course, your choice, but stripping is how to achieve the healthiest coat. Here's why:Cairn Terrier Grooming


Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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