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Need help identifying Cairn


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Hi everyone,

I am a first time poster here and I'm hoping one of you "Cairn Lovers" might be able to help me.

I volunteer at a local Humane Society in Enfield, NH. I have two Champion dobermans who show in breed and obedience.

A few weeks ago, we got a turn-in at the shelter of a really lovely 6 year old purebred male Cairn. I bred and showed Norfolks for ten years and believe me, this Cairn is a nice looking terrier! The dog's kennel name is Denny and he is black/grey grizzle. He has a wonderful temperment, loves playing fetch and is really sweet. I am currently fostering him and he will hopefully be going to his new "Forever Home" in a few days.

The reason I'm coming to this board is with the hope that someone might know this guy. I have heard that he was shown and judging by his typeness and structure I can believe this. Does anyone remember a dog being shown in New England probably 3 or 4 years ago with the call name "Denny"? He is not in any danger and is slated to go to a wonderful home but I am just curious about his background. He certainly has reminded me why I loved terriers!

Any help you could offer in identifying this dog would be much appreciated.

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I'm checking with a couple of people about Denny, but also wanted to let you know that if you ever need help with a cairn in NH, I run a national cairn rescue organization out of Kingston, NH. I've pulled at least one cairn from your shelter in the past.

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cairnrescueleague -

Thank you so much for your help. Denny is a real sweetheart. I am fostering him to just refresh his housebreaking skills which had gotten a tad rusty while in the shelter. He is going to a wonderful home with a lovely older lady who is going to spoil the heck out of him. I just hoped to find out more about him because of his delightful personality and attitude. I can assure you, if he wasn't already spoken for, he'd have a home here with my husband and me. He's been a great reminder about why we loved terriers! In fact his personality reminds me of our foundation stud dog in Norfolks.

One resource I'd love to identify is someone within an hour of Grantham who does stripping. Denny's coat needs to be done and while I have certainly stripped a bunch of Norfolks, I'm not sure about how to shape a Cairn coat. I'd love to get him done before he goes to his new home. If I need to, I'll clean him up myself, but if there was someone around who could do it, I'd prefer that.

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Stupid question perhaps - but has he been thoroughly checked for a microchip or a tatoo? Microchips can move and if the only spot checked is between the shoulder blades they can be missed.

It seems unlikely to me that a dog that was shown would have neither; but that may be the case with this guy.

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Thanks everyone!

With the help of several people on this board I was able to identify my little cairn. Turns out he is a Champion, though older than the folks at the shelter were told. I had a very nice talk with his former handler who gave me a great deal of background on him.

It was unfortunate that he wound up in a shelter but Denny is going to an awesome home and I have to say I'll be really miss him. He certainly has brightened up my life.

I really appreciate all the help that the kind folks on this board provided.

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just out of curosity, how old did he turn out to be?

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Things like this just makes me so sad. Lil guy worked his little heart out to be put in a shelter. :(

((bighugs)) to you for helping him find his forever home. Where all he has to do for the rest of his life is to entertain a wonderful family. And we all know that is a Cairns job from the day they are born.


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Everyone,

Denny has gone to his new home were he settled in well and is charming everyone. His new owner, a senior citizen walks with him to a local park twice a day and he has a huge fenced yard to run in. He sleeps in bed with his new owner every night and she has even arranged for a groomer to hand strip him every 3 months. He turned out to be 8 years old instead of the 6 that the shelter was told. I must say I am missing him. :cry: He really was a delightful little character and reminded me how much I like the terriers.

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What an amazing story...goes to show not even retired show dogs are not immune to being placed in shelters. What great work these rescue groups do getting these guys out of the shelter system. With the economy this bad, lots of people are giving up their pets. They just can't afford them..

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