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Kooper's new friend


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We have a nuetered male schnauzer that lives two houses away and when he's let out he roams over to our back fence...well, he's Kooper's size, so Koop just goes nuts when he shows up. They fence fight and run up & down the fence line-quite humurous to watch. Except: Koop is nuetered also, schnauzer boy lifts his leg this AM to pee on the fence (ugh), Koop looks at him puzzled (he has NEVER lifted his leg) sniffs a little then LIFTS his leg to return the favor! OH NO..my little boy is all grown up now. I haven't witnessed it since, but it was rather funny to see, he couldn't figure out whether to squat or hike his leg and he looked like a contortionist for a second or two.

On a Spring time note: the mallards are back in the pond and since my Golden ignores them (some bird dog she is) Kooper has proven to be quite the bird dog now...chases them like crazy! I hope they nest elsewhere, poor little ducklings may end up meeting Kooper......

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That is funny! My best friend has two dachsunds (sp) and one lifts his leg correctly. The other will go over to a tree and lift his leg to go, but he is lifting the leg that is away from the tree! Silly dogs!

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One of the most amazing things I've seen, on America's Funniest Videos, is a chihuahua that walked on its' two front legs, with its' two rear legs straight up in the air, while peeing on a street curb. This dog must have walked this way and peed for 30 - 40 feet!! :lol: It was the funniest thing I ever saw on that show. No way did he learn that from another dog!

Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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