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Rufus thinks his a meerkat

Rufus and Rosebud

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That is a smart dog - keeping an eye out for rabbits on a beach!!

[And, he looks a lot like Holly!]


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Wow is this a cairn thing........sitting up? Our Daisy was this little bitty thing maybe 2 1/2 or 3 months and just started sitting up for anything she wanted....food, potty,ball... any other breed i've had we had to teach them to do that.............Rufus is so cute!!!!!


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That is too cute!

Neither of ours sits up, but we never tried to teach them either.

They also don't go "hang out" in their crates during the day either, they only go in at night when I fill up their water and offer a treat.



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He always does this when his hears or sees something ,has done from a puppy we have never trained him to do this

our other cairn Rosebud never has done it, he looks so funny,



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That is a smart dog - keeping an eye out for rabbits on a beach!!

[And, he looks a lot like Holly!]

Yes he does look like Holly I see your in the UK maybe there related !!


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Rufus on look out duty, he does this when his looking for Rabbits

How cute! Thanks for the pic! We only have 1 out of 3 that will

sit up like that. Teddy's motive is pure attention-hogging, and if

he gets an "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" that's all the better. :)

Max and Nelly

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Our dear departed Max used to do just that, he would peer over the grass in the Summer and the snow in the Winter. I thought

it was so cute. You got a great picture showing that behavior. Thanks for sharing.

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What a darling picture!

Murphy will "sit pretty" on command. But one of the thousand funny things he does is stand up on his hind feet w/out being asked. If he sees me or his Dad outside he'll stand up and watch for us to come it. He has taken over my ottoman and has been seen standing straight up on that. The crazy thing is that it's not for just a second or two that he does this, we have timed him and it has lasted a minute or more!

Strong abs!

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Both Packy and Kirby do this and started all on their own. Now they will do it on command, but still do it to see better or to get attention even if you don't tell them to do it. Packy can sit like that forever!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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My Murphy, who looks very much like your Rufus, sits like this when he really wants a treat. He knows we love it when he does this, so he does it quite often! :D

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How cute! Fudgie sits like that on the couch (her couch...not mine anyore) and she will sometimes sit outside like that too!

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Aww, I love the Cairn Meerkat! Sparky thinks he's one, too.

Sparky Jones & Scout Jones
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LMAO :D my dogs usually do the the stiff tail and the one paw up when they are on the prowl for critters


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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