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sheila and Misty

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sheila and Misty

The pine trees had dropped alot of cones and needles this year from all the heavey wind storms we had, (alot of raking-ugh!) anyway-Toby and Misty keep sitting in the pine sap thats on the cones and needles- which were everywhere in the yard. it has to be cut off their hair -cant get it out,,what a mess! Never had this happen before. scruffy never once had that sticky stuff on him.

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I guess greasing their little tushs isn't an option :o

I have a lot of conifers in my garden too and I HATE the needles that come down with every high wind and storm, but so far the dogs have not had any problem with sap. Abby likes to play with and then rip apart pine cones - which I have a problem with when she brings them into the house!

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Our yard is surrounded by pine trees, and our are constantly getting sap. We put olive oil on a paper towel and rub the fur spot between our fingers. Usually takes it of in seconds.

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sheila and Misty
Our yard is surrounded by pine trees, and our are constantly getting sap. We put olive oil on a paper towel and rub the fur spot between our fingers. Usually takes it of in seconds.

thanks for the tip! I always have olive oil here-Id rather not cut it out-keep this up and theyll be naked!

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