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Thief discovered, still no confession


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Scruffy - Cute, playful...... and a kleptomaniac. By why dirty socks? And we thought the dryer was the culprit. There, under the sofa, about 5 odd socks were found. Yesterday, when I realized I forgot something on my way to work and had to run back home, there he was - halfway down the steps with a sock in his mouth - staring at me frozen except for his wagging tail. Caught red-handed and still no confession.

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aah, poor Scruffy probably had a real shock when you found him thieving!


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Like butter, I bet socks wouldn't melt in his mouth :innocent:

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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Maybe he's just secretly trying to learn how to fold them for you. It's darned hard without opposable thumbs.

Haggis believes we keep our shoes in the wrong place and frequently helps us by relocating one to what he believes is the correct place. He doesn't chew them, he just waits nearby to see if we've noticed.

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Maybe he is starting his own Cairn revolution and taking over the socks! I know the "I have been caught" tail wag so well though.

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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yeah, i love the guilty freeze (is this the one with eyes rolled up under the worried brows?). like, i'm hoping you aren't seeing me... you're not seeing me are you?...

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WOOF! Eli, here.

Scruffy, forget about the socks. Go for the remote, the wallet, the car keys. We are going to need them for the revolution!


Eli B) (the fearless leader of CUR: Cairn Underground Revolution)

P.S. I had poop on my butt and that stupid Alpha B chased me around until I let my guard down and she caught me! Oh, the inhumanity! Those uprights are so stubborn and persistant. And anal.

E <_<

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I can picture the entire guilty slink and look. What a good story to have started my day with! I kept picturing this all day and smiling when I thought about it. I can hear him now: "Oops" !!!

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Reminds me of my dearly departed Moxie. I used to warn guests *do not* leave your socks anywhere the dog can reach them or they'll be gone! Moxie hid them under a bed too - at least we always know where to find them ;)

Rudi used to eat socks, not a good habit, but thankfully he's grown out of it. (Fortunately they were always "refound" with no harm to either Rudi or sock.)

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