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Midnight Bath for Sophie


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My DW & I had babysitting duty last night at our son's house, and we had a nice time with our 2 grandkids. We left Bailey & Sophie free in our house from 5:30 pm 'til about 12:15 am, and they were fine, no messes at all. It was raining lightly when we got home, and I let them out right away for a much-need potty break before going to bed. After about 10 minutes, I let them in and was getting them in their crates, when Connie & I noticed that Sophie smelled really nasty. She must have found somethiing foul :sick: to roll in while she was outside, and she couldn't go to bed like that. I took her downstairs and tried the listerine/water mixture for a temporary cleanup, but that just didn't get rid of the smell, so it was a complete bath in the laundry tub, followed by towel-drying, and blow-drying (which she didn't like at all), and brushing/combing. That did the job, so after I changed Sophie's bedding, we were all finally able to get to bed about 2:00 am. I checked the backyard this morning before letting the dogs outside but, after an all-night rain, I couldn't find whatever she was frolicking in at 12:30 am. Just another one of the joys of dog ownership!! :shock:


Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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Ohhhh thats really bad.

The worst thing where dogs can put the back into is dead Fish. UUHRGGG :twisted:

These are the times to wish to collect stamps and not to breed dogs...



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Musta been one of those critters left a calling card for Sophie to find. Obviously Sophie had a good time, except for the bath :D

Skipper sends his regards

Boats and Skipper

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Oh, but you are a good mommy!

Mommy was in bed, Daddy was in the basement! <_< She's a pretty smart woman!!


Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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Mommies are smart that way - they would have forgotten about the bath (left it until the morning) and just put the crate in the laundry and let the dog sleep there with the door well & truly shut to contain the smell.

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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Ooops! Sorry about that. Ok, I'll try again: You are a good daddy (and an even better hubby!!) and grandaddy!

The things we do for our babies! (and that could mean cairn or spouse!)

I had to do the unplanned bath thing today too.

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watch out-this is also skunk time!

Don't remind me! Been there, done that! And yes, that is much, much worse than having your dog roll in poop, plus it takes months to completely get rid of the odor. Please, please, not again!! :crybaby:


Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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watch out-this is also skunk time!

Don't remind me! Been there, done that! And yes, that is much, much worse than having your dog roll in poop, plus it takes months to completely get rid of the odor. Please, please, not again!! :crybaby:


My worst experience was with Holdsworth and Shadow (both at R.B.). We were

visiting my (then) hubby's college campus for him to do some lab work while

we frolicked outside on the expansive front lawn. All the wallowing Holdsworth (aka Doodle Dog)

and Shadow were doing seemed innocent enough until I noticed we were sharing the

field with a flock of geese. :o It was cold, and the only water source we could find

to try and rinse them for the ride home was an outdoor hose with COLD water.

Cold water doesn't work well on greasy goose dung. That was the stinkiest ride

home, in close quarters, I've ever experienced. :sick:

My heart goes out to Sophie's Dad!.

P.S. - the only thing that smells worse than goose poop is wet goose poop!

Max and Nelly

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