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I can't believe how fast Kirby is changing. The first picture was taken in November and the second was taken just today. That's only 3 1/2 months, but he's already looking like a young man (he's 9 months). You can't tell from the newest picture, but he's getting a dark muzzle and ears, which will make him look even more like Packy.

FYI -- Packy is on the left and Kirby is on the right in both pics.

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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Wow he is beautiful. Did you get Kirby so he would be similar color as Packy because they look so much alike and I know that they can change colors as they grow. They are adorable. Always wanted to add another cairn mine is 2 next month. I have never had 2 dogs at once and am not sure I want the extra work.

But yours are adorable and they look like they love each other.

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You know, it hasn't been bad at all having two. I mean, you have to take one out so you might as well take two. And you have to feed one so you might as well feed two. And they entertain each other a lot, which takes the pressure off us! Sometimes it's harder to handle both of them at once, like when I'm trying to help Packy with his fishing and Kirby wants to chase ducks, but we work it out.

Nope, didn't buy Kirby to match Packy's color at all. We knew we wanted a male and it just happened that there was only one male in the little our breeder had, so we ended up with Kirby. He's such a sweetie and really keeps Packy on his toes. Funny thing, Packy seems to be starting to turn colors. He's getting more and more black hairs in his coat (cream brindle?). Last year we thought we was just going to stay cream, but I guess he has other plans. Kirby looks a little redder in person (does that make his strawberry blonde?), but he's also cream with about 4 black hairs. Oh, but his ears are turning black and his muzzle is getting darker. I need to get those ears stripped to see.

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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