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Cairns are tough little ones!

Jessica H

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I brought them all to a field today to run. Scooter puts up a good challenge for Dozer considering the size 17lbs vs 67lbs! He stays right on his tail and they gang up on him like little sharks.

Scooter had a hard time keeping all 4 feet on the ground, its overrated anyway...

The pics are from far away, I couldn't keep up with these 2




The sharks


Taking a quick rest


Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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Great pictures!

I can't wait until ours are able to run in their backyard again, end of May can't come soon enough! :)



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They cannot run in the back yard yet either so I brought them to a field that didn't have enough snow. The snow in my backyard is still over the fence and the ice storm in December ruined parts of the fence. I put a 30 foot line on them and let them run. They follow Dozer and he comes every time I call him 100% of the time.

I feel bad in the winter because they cannot run in the backyard or anywhere all winter.

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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What fun! The do look like they are ganging up on the other one. He looks like he is just trying to run and enjoy the scenery and freedom and the others look like "lets get him" !

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