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Hello. I am very happy to find this forum! My name is Lorie, I breed German Shepherds, am an avid Jack Russell Terrier lover as well as owner, and last June aquired my first Cairn Terrier, Garrett. I must say, as a JRT owner I didn't think a dog could be any more high energy or wacky........... until Garrett! I must say the difference between dog breeds is striking, I have had German Shepherds for well over 30 years now, and they are a breed that can't do enough for you, there isn't anything they can't or won't try to do for you, they would truly jump off a cliff for you, Garrett has shown me that he will too..... after me!!!!! I have to admit though that my two terriers are my comic relief, they make me laugh like no other breeds and their happy go lucky attitude is infectious, they sleep on my bed, lay on my lap watching TV , accompany me to horse shows and feed stores as well as earn their keep ridding my barn of the ever present mice and ground squirrels, I will NEVER give up my German Shepherds, but my little terriers have weasled their way into the picture as well, and they are just as irreplaceable. I have been reading about everyone's Cairns on here and have had a great laugh, it's wonderful to know that Garrett is actually a NORMAL Cairn! I thought barking back at me after commands and grabbing my feet from behind was abnormal!!!! :thumbsup:

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Welcome to the forum Lorie

Congratulations on your 1st Cairn, you will find very quickly that these lil buggers are quick to grab your heart. :wub:

They do tend to keep you entertained all the time as well.

I'm sure he is enjoying the activities in the barn too!



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Welcome, I to had German Shepherds for years and they are easy compared to Cairns.I'm surprised I still have a tongue left form bitting it. Lots of hard work but well worth it. Cairns rule.


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Welcome to the forum! As an avid Lab lover for years, I can't live w/o Cairns now. I have 3 Cairns and 1 Westie and they do great w/ my Labs and Newfie. There is nothing more enjoyable than watching my crew play and run together in the backyard. There are times that I could live w/o the terrier yapping tho. :whistle:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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it's wonderful to know that Garrett is actually a NORMAL Cairn! I thought barking back at me after commands and grabbing my feet from behind was abnormal!!!! :thumbsup:

We refer to that as "flipping us the Paw" in my house. LOL

Welcome to the Forum

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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I also have owned German Shepards for my whole life ( 36 years ) and had lost my most recent to illness about 3 years ago. My daughter talked me into a Cairn and I have learned that with them, Abnormal is normal.


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