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Tuk's new toy


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I got Tuk-tuk a new Kong-like toy from this line, Planet Dog, which smells like mint (and looks like a strawberry-too cute). Tuk really loves it, a little too much. After he licked all the peanut butter out of it, he continued to lick and obsess over it for another 45 minutes, which is when I decided to take it away--I think it's the mint smell. I usually leave his Kongs down for him to play around with, but I don't trust him with this one.

I love the one where he's holding it with his front paws, soo cute! He got irritated with me bugging him with the camera so he went and hid under the table. I have to leave the flash off while taking pics (its a pretty strong flash) or he will hide, sorry about the quality of the photos.



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How fun! I may have to get one of those.....

Anytime Tanner has a "treasure" (whether it's something he's supposed to have or not), he hides under the dinning room table & doesn't come out until he is good and ready! :)

Becky & Tanner
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What's up with hiding under dining tables? Every Cairn I've had runs under the table when they have something they shouldn't (like underwear or stolen food!!), or when the don't want to go outside or in their crate! :confused:

How does this new toy differ from the typical Kong?

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sheila and Misty

very cute!-Id let him obsess over it-long as its nothing of yours...sounds like he loves! probably a great thing to give him while tour out.

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I might have let him obsess, but he was panting and all worked up. Very unusual behavior. I think cause it smells like mint he thinks there's more inside so he just keeps licking. Anyway, Planet Dog is a good company that does great work on behalf of dogs in shelters and such. When you make a purchase, some proceeds go to their charitable foundations. Here's the link if you want to check out more http://www.planetdog.com/home/ A dog boutique I frequent was having an intro sale with 20% off, so I decided to check it out and ended up buying one. They have an eco-friendly line which I like too. I never use the Kong treats or foam stuff so it was easy to make the switch to the way cuter Planet Dog version.

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