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Birthday present

little feet zip

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It was Zips birthday on 3/10 and we got him a brother& sister. They are a 8 year old red weaten soft coat cairn & 3 year old westie female. Got them through the westie rescue. Their names are Rcoky & Coconut. All Rocky wants to do is play ball sunup to sundown,when we go to bed it's like hitting the pause button,in the morning he's right back at it.I think he may be a good earthdog but he may have to trim down a little bit from 22.5# to fit into the 9in tunnel. Coconut is startting beginners class wednesday and I'll see how she respones ,maybe on to rally.

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And does Zip enjoy his birthday present?

How lovely though to get two together from rescue! Three dogs will be a handful though.................. all the best to you with them - look forward to photos!


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Awww Coconut is the name of the American Girl dog who is a westie or at least resembles one! How cute!!

Congrats on your new addition. Rocky sounds like Louie. Ball all day long.

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sheila and Misty

happy belated zip ! soo nice to be able toadopt a couple as well-wish you lots of luck and patience creating your now larger family.!

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I feel like when the dogs are not in their crates they are always in fast forward. I love pausing them at night when its time for bed, LOL. We played in a field yesterday for 2 hours and you would think they would all be tired. Nope ALL 3 running through the house like they were still outside.

You will have lots of fun, you will just be tired. You will need to get into a routine. At least none of them are a 67lb puppy being chased by 2 sharks. He is like a bull in a china shop with those 2 on his tail. You will never have a dull moment.


Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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Thank you all. Zip seems to be adaptting well a few little spats but I think he is going to be alpha dog. Rocky & Coconut have settled in quite nice allmost like they have been here forever and now they will be.


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Happy Belated Birthday to Zip! I think that's wonderful of you to take in Rocky & Coconut. I know one of mine would NEVER allow one to be older than her, lol. Kiara is definitely alpha over the other Cairns and Westie. My little male Westie is only 10 lbs and such a baby. Kiara will even stand in the doorway not letting him in. My others would welcome any age into our household. I have so many now, that 3 would make my house feel empty. Congrats to your new family. Please share pictures.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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