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I am also new and my 9 month old male, Kirby, a wheaten, has extra long (2 1/2 inches) black eyelashes on each eye. Is this normal for a Cairn? I can't seem to see them in pictures of other Cairns. Kirby is a jolly little fellow whose enthusiasm for life keeps us laughing, not to mention on our toes!

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Yes, very typical. But I assume you mean eyebrows, not eyelashes. Below is from the English breed standard,

"Eyes: Wide apart, medium in size, dark hazel. Slightly sunk with shaggy eyebrows."

The eyebrows and tips of the ears and muzzle are often darker than the rest of the coat - it's called "pointing." Tip of the tail too many times is darker.

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sheila and Misty
Yes, very typical. But I assume you mean eyebrows, not eyelashes. Below is from the English breed standard,

"Eyes: Wide apart, medium in size, dark hazel. Slightly sunk with shaggy eyebrows."

The eyebrows and tips of the ears and muzzle are often darker than the rest of the coat - it's called "pointing." Tip of the tail too many times is darker.

no actually I mesn eyelash-under the brow unless they dont call them eyelashes in dogs ..the stiff little single row of hair on the edge of the eyelid... and it curls towards her eye-only that one and jabs her -so I have to trim it a bit. the other one turns up like its suppose to.

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The long dark hairs are coming from Kirby's eyes as opposed to the hair above that is long and what I would consider "eyebrows." If you look at the picture of him, you can see what I am talking about most clearly on his left eye.

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Petey has nice eyelashes, it always makes me want to put mascara on them, of course I would NEVER, but I'd be lying if I said the thought hadn't crossed my mind.

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Our newest rescue foster, Duncan, has eyelashes. Since Dunc is grey - his black lashes really stand out. My husband says that he wears mancara :whistle: and it is very striking to see in person. I think you can see them in the picture I've attached. BTW - I think Duncan found a permanent home with us. He's very sweet, does not chase the cats and his big brother Finnegan whispered in my ear that he thinks he should stay.


Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in. - Mark Twain

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Duncan is a very handsome boy, and his eyelashes are absolutely gorgeous! I agree with Finnegan, Duncan should stay!

Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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I can see what you mean in his picture. It looks unusual to me. Is this just one lash on each eye, or more than one. The lashes shouldn't turn in and irritate the eye, so it's good that you're keeping on top of that.

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