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Some fun outside with all 3, pictures

Jessica H

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Today we all went outside to play, Sadie just sits and stares at me so I cannot get any action shots of her. They get a long so great and Dozer is so good with them. Sometimes he gets a little rough so I have to give him a time out. Sadie is the little instigator though, don't let her sweet face fool you :twisted:

Its a close race but Scooter is trying


Big size difference but it doesn't bother Scoot or Sadie


Sadie staring at me thinking she may get a treat


Dozer goes in for the pounce


Dozer is 6 months old and 67lbs, he is getting huge! He is the size of most full grown dogs he sees.


Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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They are all so adorable! Dozer is huge - and those paws look like he's still got quite a bit of growing to do! I love that Scooter thinks he and Dozer are the same size!

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They look like they are having fun! I love that about Tuk, doesn't know what "size" means. He will go up to any dog and say hi. He plays with my sis's huskies all the time and has no problem, he gets them and they get him. Dozer should hit 80 lbs? He looks good. I've seen alot of poor looking GS out here and its so sad, such a wonderful breed.

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The are very happy looking dogs - even Sadie with that expression I recognise so well!


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Dozer should be between 90-100lbs according to the breeder and the vet. The vet actually said 100-110lb . They said a rough way to estimate size at 6 months and double it. He is 67lbs. GSD's usually grow until 2 years. It is a great breed. He is so balanced and laid back. I am having a problem at obedience classes trying to keep him hyped up, he just wants to chill out. I think it is boring him, I am going to try tracking with him.

Scooter and Sadie think they are the same size as him, they have no idea even though they both try hanging off his neck.

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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