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Nuisance barking


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We begin our pilgrimage back north in a month, and the prospects of two nights without good sleep at a motel with Molly and Ginger has me wondering about the barking business again. We have given up on the citrus puff collars. We just work on them one bark at a time. But traveling really brings out the barks in these two, and especially at the motel, they feel we must be warned about every new element in the environment--especially the presence of other dogs and people behind every door in the hall leading to our room. What do you think about using soft muzzles to keep them quiet at night?

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what kind of muzzle ...are you talking about the temporary ones where they can't really breathe...than no...(these muzzles you should only keep on a dog for no more than 20mins)The muzzles that allow the dog to breathe won't stop them from barking. you can try teaching the command to speak and to be quiet with treats.


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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