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Oh you silly Cairn


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Last night me and the kids decided to make popcorn. We never really eat it, so Louie hasn't had experience with it. While it cooked, he stood in front of the microwave and barked at the popping sounds. :lol: It was adorable.

Anything cute to share? Please, I love reading cute stories.

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I find it cute that Holly will not play with toys in kitchen - if I bring one in there she picks it up and takes it straight back to living room! It is as if she has decided that that is where you play indoors!


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Charlie gets what I call the zooms... He runs wild around the house, up on the sofa, up on the back of the sofa and round and round the rooms. Then comes and leaps into my arms panting.. He is so funny! Luckily he doesn't do that to much--I think the carpet would get worn out soon if he did it too much.

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Just a habit I noticed about Gus that I think is funny. I bring him in the bathroom every morning when I take a shower. And every morning, when we leave the bathroom he always sneezed about 3 ft. out of the door. Cracks me up. Maybe it is his from his nose hitting the dry air after being in the humid bathroom.

Meredith, Gus, and Daisy


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With Skipper, it is the paperclip character in Microsoft word. Whenever he hears this paperclip thing tapping on glass and zooming sound, Skipp goes bonkers, This will bring him out of a sound sleep, away from eating playing etc. He jumps up and down, barks, whines. As soon as I end the word program all is well, like nothing happened.

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Sparky also zooms around the apartment. He likes to run and build up speed, then jump up on the ottoman, and then jump straight to the couch and then off the couch back onto the floor. This is all done is one fluid motion, and he does it repeatedly. Also, he can be almost asleep, and if I say the word "hungry" he pops up his head and pricks up his ears. God forbid he miss any opportunity for food.

And of course, the cutest thing in the world is when he sleep barks/whimpers/grunts/groans. I love it. Every once in a while he'll just jump up and start barking, like he had a dream and he forgot where he was for a minute.

Sparky Jones & Scout Jones
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When Taz smells food, hears cellophane wrappers or sees us open the treat cabinet ... he goes into begging position.... and it usually works! :innocent:


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Sandi, that is just adorable! Barking at pop corn!

For Christmas a friend had got me some cute stationary and pens, plus two packs of post-it notes in the shape of my initials (J and C). I put them on top of a stack of books in my home office.

I come home from work one day and the entire living room floor is covered in bright fluorescent J's. Scattered everywhere. Not a speck of carpet visible. I immediately go over to my Cairn, and see that she has a bit of orange paper on her beard!

She had found the pack of J's and opened it (wrapped in plastic) and ripped each page off, one by one!

Bad dog! ;)

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Sadie and Scooter have learned that when they hear me getting ice from the fridge they come RUNNING. Well they have taught this habit to Dozer. They have enlisted their bigger friend into pushing the ice dispenser himself so ice goes EVERYWHERE and they run wild with the ice. They stand under him and wait, Sadie will even look at him and run to the fridge with her front feet on it looking at Dozer and barking at him and then the ice dispenser. I could figure out why I kept stepping in puddles everywhere.

Luckily for me the ice dispenser has a lock feature.

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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Currey knows the sound of certain food containers and comes running when he hears specific favorites come out. Included are peanut butter, pirate's booty and "cat cookies for people" (trader joe's animal crackers). The pirate's booty amazes me - he does not come running for other bags of chips, and I just do not know how he knows it is that one. I think he might recognize the bag! The other night I popped open a disposable plastic container from a carryout place and he came sprinting in. I was terribly confused till DH pointed out that it sounded just like the cat cookies container. amazing!

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Whenever I sit on the floor Tuk-tuk jumps into my lap. It's completely adorable. After a minute or two he'll usually go get a toy to chew while he's there, which I end up holding for him--I don't know how that got started, but ever since he was small I always seemed to be holding his toys for him while he chewed them up or ripped the stuffing out. When the kids (and Tuk) were younger he would often fall asleep in my lap, but I don't sit on the floor that long anymore. He recognizes Petsmart bags, not other plastic bags, just Petsmart. So now I feel guilty if I don't bring home a toy for him from there, cause he always looks so excited when he sees that bag. And I love it when he snores! He doesn't do it all the time, but when he does it is loud enough you can't miss it. It's the cutest squeaky sound ever.

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Dawn- i hold stuff while they chew it too, even bullysticks (the things we do for our Cairns) Scooter also recognizes pet store bags, he knows Agway bags too. It is a feed and pet supply store in my town (not much else).

Sandi- isn't it cute how they back at popcorn. I have an air popper I uses on the counter and they used to bark at it but now they wait for the out of control piece to fall on the floor. Dozer just looks at it and tilts his head all over the place. He isn't quick enough to get any that may fall, the little ones beat him to it.

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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Sadie and Scooter have learned that when they hear me getting ice from the fridge they come RUNNING. Well they have taught this habit to Dozer. They have enlisted their bigger friend into pushing the ice dispenser himself so ice goes EVERYWHERE and they run wild with the ice. They stand under him and wait, Sadie will even look at him and run to the fridge with her front feet on it looking at Dozer and barking at him and then the ice dispenser. I could figure out why I kept stepping in puddles everywhere.

That just shows how clever Cairns are - working it out that Dozer can get them the ice! I like that.


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It is pretty funny. Dozer is very easy to train and they have figured that out. Sadie will actually get him to chase her, then she runs to the fridge and barks until he gets her ice. I think they are going to teach him a lot more since he is so big, they won't even need me anymore...

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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The zooming around we call "Rocket dog" because he tucks his ears down, and holds his tail a certain way. It's funny. Sometimes if we say rocket dog that's enough to get him to do it. He likes to show off.

Cairns are just the cutest.

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At night when I'm watching tv in our basement, Xena typically falls into a sound sleep. When I turn off everything I have to press three buttons...the cable box, the audio, and the tv. The TV makes a particular sound and Xena bolts awake and knows it is time for bed. Doesn't phase her if the sound to the TV goes away, but once that final "click" happens she is wide awake.

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Wallace likes to zoom too! He also crosses his legs when he sits and especially when he sleeps. (Picture attached) I've never seen a dog do that before. He's very proper! :D


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