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Skipper's Therapy Pet Training


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I read in a post today that Brad had mentioned that Therapy training is strict and demanding of both you and your dog, that is a very true statement for sure. After the third full week I decided to drop Skipper out so that I could work on some of his downfalls, which can be overcome.

Skipper has all the basic obedience skills down pretty good. The dowfalls are that Skipper likes to initiate play with the other dogs, in other words he pulls on his lead to get to the other dogs upon first meeting, after the initial meet and greet he will start to settle down, its the first few seconds that blow it, and your only allowed one correction then points get deducted. From the very minute you arrive at class you are graded. When you walk in through door its showtime.

Imagine if you will, you and your Cairn sitting in a semi-circle on their individual blankets with five other dogs, all of them much bigger, a Great Dane on one side and a Greyhound on the other, then a Lab, a cat, Brittany Spaniel and a German Shepard mix. Then you are asked not to pet or console your dog and keep a loose leash. The instructor is reading the lesson plan and we are to stay put for an hour, points are deducted after two corrections, Skipper lost all his points after the first half hour.

In the other other exercises, Skipper excelled, allowing himself to be petted, ears pulled, feet picked up, both kinda rough and then gentle. Skipp had no hesitation approaching or being approched by a walker and a wheelchair.

So for next couple months I'll be working on his approach to other dogs and the blanket thing. The instructor assures me Skipper is not that far off the mark and there is a place for him in Therapy as people do love the small active dogs.

Next class is September, and me and Skipper will be there, ready to go. :thumbsup:

Boats and Skipper

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All our points would have been gone within seconds of walking through the door! LOL :shock: As my ill behaved boys would have insighted havoc and mayham amoungst the other dogs and blowing their points too!

I am sure that you will overcome this and prevail!

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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It sounds like you made a good decision, Boats. Taking time out now to work on the areas that Skipper struggles with should make everything easier next time around. I'm sure you will both be ready come September. Good Luck! :thumbsup:


Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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