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new kitty

Scruffys Mom

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I had to put my beloved Kitty down Monday. She was 15 and had stomach cancer. It was an interesting process acclimating my Cairn's to Kitty and Stubby (my Manx) . Both of my Cairns are highly energized (surprise, surprise!) and were both a little over powering with both of my cats. Time and patience turned us into a loving family. When Kitty passed, my family was extremely depressed. Stubby, the Manx, took it the hardest. He walked around crying endlessly. I manage a feral cat colony and have several friends that are involved with cat rescue and ferals. They all seemed to agree when a cat is having as much anxiety as Stubby was with the loss, to get a new feline. My search began and I ended up adopting a beautiful 5 month rescue torty. My husband ( I will not take credit for this) named her Puss Kitty. The miracle was that Stubby and Puss took to each other immediately. That is very unusual in the cat world. The usual introduction normally requires weeks of patience and a few cat slaps. The next challenge were the dogs, Scruffy and Sparky. Initially I had Puss in a crate on the screened porch. The pups sniffed her and seemed fairly relaxed. On day 2, I opened the crate and was on alert to stop any chaos that may ensue. The amazing thing was that Puss very carefully walked out of her crate, the pups sniffed her, Puss began cleaning herself and the pups both laid down and proceeded to take a nap. I firmly believe this was a divine miracle guided by my furry angels in heaven. We are all now a healthy happy family with a lot of love and sniffs.

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