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Cairn Specialties Show in Michigan


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Connie & I attended the "Cairn Terrier Club of Greater Detroit Specialties Show" near Ann Arbor, MI on Satuday, and enjoyed it very much. It was our first Cairns-only show, and we had never seen so many of these wonderful dogs in one place at one time. I don't know how the judges could pick the winners, because they were all beautiful dogs! It was a 2 day show, but we only went the first day, so I don't know any of the results from today (Sun.). The Best of Breed Winner on Sat. was "Cherbo Harwood Steele at Harmony". This dog had earlier won the "Regular Classes -Open Dogs". He is a beautiful grey-brindle, born 8-6-07, and is owned by Kari Loken of Centennial, CO. & Cheri Eagleson of Grand Blanc, MI. He was bred by Cheri & Bob Eagleson, who are the breeders of our own Bailey & Sophie!! :beer:

I was really surprised that there were more grey-brindles than any other color. I know colors can change later, but still I was surprised there were so many. Another real highlight of our day was that we got to meet Liz Hallsworth, who travelled all the way from Florida for this show! Liz was so nice, and she had Duncan & Paint with her, so we got to see those two beautiful pups in person, after seeing them in Liz's many picutres on the Forum. They were so cute, and well-behaved, and we even got to give them some scritches! Another thing, that has nothing to do with dogs, but was unbelievable, is that I ran into a guy that I had graduated from high school with, and hadn't seen in nealry 50 years! He walked up to me and said " I know you", and I couldn't believe it. What a day we had, not soon to be forgotten!

Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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Very nice report Jim. How cool that on top of everything else to get a blast from your past!

Cairn specialties are great - I am always thrilled to see so many nice Cairns in one place. Congrats to Kari and Cheri! Kari does a lot of dog sports with her Cairns and we're thrilled she agreed to judge Sweepstakes at our specialty in July.

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Awesome report. We also spent the weekend watching a huge Cairn entry at the Seattle Kennel Club show. Saturday held majors for both boys and girls. We had 4 ladies from the great state of Oregon stay the weekend with us.

Daisy, who is on a tear lately won BB both days. Barb McNamee had a big day Saturday winning Winners Dog and Winners Bitch. That finished her bitch. Her boy Manny also won Winners Dog on Sunday.

Seattle has a "meet the breed" booth I'm happy to report that the Cairn booth was judged 2nd place for the show!

Greg and Val Perry

Home of Kula RN CGC, Am. Can. Int'l. CH Cairngorm Coffee Tea or Me RA ME EE2/Can. SE NAJ NAS CGC (Kona), CH Clanmarr's Steele Princess (Hattie) and CH Scotchbroom Thistle The Patriot SE (Sully) Visit: CroftersDream.com

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sheila and Misty

nice to see all those different cairns all in one place. glad I have thosepictures now -maybe I can work on my dogs a bit more -thanks forgetting the pictures up.

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  • 2 months later...

Congrats to Kari and Cheri! I almost went out to that show to work for Kari (she is one of my mentors), but sadly, it didn't work with my schedule. Jon Cole is such a pleasant judge, I always have a blast in the ring when he's judging.

Kintra Cairns

Home of Multi-Group Winning Ch. Paragon's Stately Affair CD RN CGC "Zach"

And ZaZa, the Min Pin

Canine Chronicle article - "Through the Storm" about my first journey to Westminster


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