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Holly and her friend


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I have regularly taken Holly to my friend's home. They have a 14 mth old Irish Terrier bitch called Paddy. Holly at first was a bit aggressive with the very very bouncy pup and di not enjoy walking with Paddy as she constantly jumped over her! But now Paddy is more settled they get on fine and play well together [most of time anyhow] and like walking together.

When I first get there the two of them play tag in garden - firstly Paddy chasing Holly and then Holly chases Paddy. Holly is the boss and pnches any toys/chews etc that Paddy leaves about and will not let her have them............... Paddy will lie away from her watching and waiting!


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Holly and Paddy waiting for us to take them for walk!

[could not fit both photo's on first post!]


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Those are really good pictures :) I have one question though. How did you get them to sit so still for the picture when they knew they were going out for a walk?

As soon as we go for the leash, our 2 instantly turn into jumping kangaroo's and jabber dog talk at us til we get the door opened!

If you want the best seat in the house, move the dog.

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My friend has trained Paddy from being tiny to "sit and wait" and she is very good at this most of time ................. but she will normally jump up and down when Holly is there or any other dog - but she likes to pose for the camera!

Holly does not get excited about walks at all whilst inside, but once outside is quite happy. When I go to any of my friends I leave the harness on Holly otherwise I have to chase her around to get it on - she does not like things being pulled over her head, but once it is on and the lead attached she stands still - not sure if it is a relic from days when she was shown or not! Oh, Holly is a very quiet Cairn too - she does not vocalise much and she does not jump up or down much. Again I think this is a rsult of her previous life - being shown and having 2 litters and living in kennels and run with 10 other bouncy noisy Cairns.


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Holly and Paddy were both tired yesterday after their Saturday afternoon play - and Holly is still weary today but not so much that she could not resist having a tug of war with towel when I tried to dry when we came in from a wet walk! I don't think she has bothered before - Paddy must have given her the idea that you can do it now with other things than toys!


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