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Sparky's trainer


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Tonight I took Sparky to a local dog trainer that people can't say enough good things about, and it was great. I have never been able to stop Sparky from pulling on his leash, and she showed me how to fix that. When we first got there, Sparky was pulling on the leash, and being very embarrassing. By the time we left, Sparky was walking next to my side, and when I stopped, he would sit there quietly. This lady is a miracle worker. I know I have my work cut out for me, but she at least gave me the tools and the advice to help.

But that's not the best part!

This trainer has a ton of space, and her land is divided into several different areas. She has an area with sheep so that her herding dogs can herd. She has a big pond that she uses to train dogs to dive. She also has an awesome agility obstacle course, and she does flyball, too. And the coolest thing is that she has an Earthdog area where terriers can go to ground. She said that once a week she has "pack play" which is just a group of dogs getting together and playing. But afterwards I can pay $5 and have Sparky go to ground. I can even bring a live rat if I want to let him make a real kill (which I probably won't). But it's just great because there are so many things that Sparky can do, and t here will be other Cairns there! She said she'll put me on the go-to-ground list, and once I have better control of Sparky he can come play. I'm really happy that he'll be able to do what a terrier is supposed to do, and that he'll have new Cairn buddies.

Sparky Jones & Scout Jones
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Wow that is cool! How exciting that you found such an awesome person with such a fabulous place for dogs! I must say I'm a tad jealous! I doubt there's anything like that here in AZ, but I'm going to start checking just in case! Take pics and share, very cool...

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I'll definitely take pictures when we finally get to do the earthdog thing. I think it's great that it's a place for people who have no intention of showing their dogs, but they still want to let them have fun and do some activities. The trainer said I'll absolutely love watching Sparky do his thing. I'm excited.

Sparky Jones & Scout Jones
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I got butterflies reading this. How EXCITING! :lol: Sounds like Sparky will be being who he really is and soon you will see how when a Terrier is put to work..Everything changes. They morph into impeccable examples of the breed. everything becomes easier with them, even at home. Just in the little time I have put my gals to work.. Life with them have become much easier.

Id love to find a earthdog place around here. PLEEaaassee let us in on all the action. I cant wait to hear about the adventures of Sparky.


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