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Tuk-tuk drools in his sleep!


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I've kinda always known he drooled when he slept since when he gets on our ottoman (sp?) after napping there while we're out there's all these little drool spots (it's light colored so you can really see, its so bad I have to cover it with a blanket when company is over) but I always thought it was the way he slept on it. So last night my DH was away so I put Tuk in bed with me and this morning there was a drool spot where he'd been sleeping! Tuk is such a clean dog and he never has a sloppy tongue so this seems like such a quirky thing to me. Funny for sure, but weird. Does anyone else have droolers?

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Bandit (RIP) used to drool all the time in our microfiber couch. Plus, I think some of the spots he left were from licking his paws, so I think it was a combination. I would wipe the couch down with a damp washcloth and this helped (the couch was originally Scotchguarded). They are so high maintenance, eh? :)

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"Are you sure it's drool and not something leaking from the other end?"

Yep, sure it's drool. No smell or anything, clear and it only stains the micro fiber on the ottoman like Taz's mom said. My DH tried cleaning it once and got up some of the stains, but they were soon replaced with new stains so we gave up. I just found it funny after it happened on the bed, I know lots of other members let their furbabies sleep in bed so I was curious if this was widespread or just a Tuk-tuk thing. I'm guessing it may be just a few dogs and Tuk! He has his own bed full of pillows and blankets, it may be a good thing he's not usually allowed into bed with us! lol

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Haha..I do but the girls dont....lol

After much contemplating..Im hitting the add reply button. :blush:


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Its ok Puddlesmamma, my nickname given by my DH is "drooly bug"! I say that makes Tuk my perfect pet, he really understands me. I didn't include in my original post cause I was embarrassed too...good to know I'm not the only one. Just think, now we all know each other muuuch better! :D

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That's so cute that Tuk-Tuk drools. I guess he plays hard, loves hard, and sleeps hard. Either he's in a nice, deep sleep, or he's dreaming about bacon. :lol:

Sparky Jones & Scout Jones
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